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I suppose National Geographic, Discovery, The EPL, BBC, CNN etc should
not trust and enrich third parties like Multichoice DsTV and should
transmit the content themselves?
These guys have no argument. Have they heard of companies like Comcast,
DirecTv, Time Warner who are carriers? Their core business is content
not infrastructure.
Even if a third license was to be issued there is no guarantee that
they would get it. If Safaricom and Airtel were to bid and win, they
would get it not media houses.
Sent from my Windows Phone From: Mark Elkins
Sent: =E2=80=8E12/=E2=80=8E27/=E2=80=8E2013 11:31 AM
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Subject: Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja's Digital
Migration Ruling
On Thu, 2013-12-26 at 21:49 +0000, Omo, John wrote:Thanks Steve,The question you raise to Mr Wambua has been answered on this thread:there is currently not enough spectrum to licence a third operator .
I don't understand the "not enough spectrum" position. Technically
1 - with Analogue switched off - there will be more unused spectrum. I'm
sure plans are being made as to how it will be used though.
2 - The two licensed holders presumably have enough spectrum to both
distribute and broadcast all current TV stations - plus many, many
I guess the issue is TV signal producers (content) would rather
distribute and broadcast (control) their own signal rather than enrich
and be held hostage (unknown performance/censored) by a third party?
That's a familiar argument.Let me attempt a layman's answer to your second question. Many anEditor/Correspondent from the so called mainstream media are on thislist. Their silence on such a topical issue is telling of one of themajor ills besseting our media industry: one way- (as opposed to whatI call discourse-) journalism. One way journalism prefers to giveinformation in/on its own way/terms but quite shy in hard-talkengagement.When you dialogue with some of our Editors, they bemoan the loss ofprofessionalism, largely due to 'censorship from inside'. Many of whatthey would write on such a 'sensitive' issue is 'edited' by a noneditor sitting much higher up. The irony is that this is part of whatis killing the mainstream media. Engaged viewer/reader-ship has littleor no time for a 130-paged newspaper, or some evening outdated screenverbiage.I do this in my private capacity from my Land's end village with no TVsignals and does not receive 130-paged newspapers. We though envisionadditional community ICT centres around schools and the only oneavailable is over stretched.Omo=20From: Collins Areba | Tel +254 707 750 788 | twitter @brainiacKE[]=20Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 11:19 PMTo: Omo, John=20Cc: Consumer and Public Affairs; KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<>=20Subject: Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja's DigitalMigration Ruling=20=20=20@wambua, =20I guess my question is on the issue of the 3rd signal distibutionlicense.. Why not award it to the players crying foul and asking forit? Might it be because the two awardees could not survive withoutcontent from these players if they focused their content on their owndistribution network? Might that explain why Digital migration has nottaken off as effectively (because it lacks prime movers).=20=20=20and to the Media Houses..=20Were you soo sure you would win on an extended technicality that theruling caught you off guard? at what point were you planning to shiftfocus from protecting turf to getting into the formidable arena ofcompeting in a crowded arena?=20=20On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Bernard Kioko [Bernsoft Group]<> wrote:Wambua,=20=20=20I see stations now scrolling messages and one saying they arenot against the migration and in fact they support it, andthat their concern is =E2=80=9C=E2=80=A6not enough set top boxes =have beenacquired or that adequate stocks are available for acquisitionby viewers=E2=80=9D.=20=20I only wish they started scrolling this a month ago=E2=80=A6=20=20=20What is you comment on this statement currently scrolling onscreens?=20=20=20Regards=20=20=20=20From: kictanet [] On Behalf OfWambua, ChristopherSent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 10:21 PMTo: Consumer and Public Affairs; KICTAnet ICT PolicyDiscussionsSubject: Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja'sDigital Migration Ruling=20=20Because of frequency spectrum limitations.=20=20=20Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.=20From:Watila Alex=20=20Sent:Thursday, 26 December 2013 21:56 PM=20=20To:Wambua, Christopher=20=20Reply and Public Affairs; KICTAnet ICT PolicyDiscussions=20=20Subject:Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja'sDigital Migration Ruling=20=20=20=20=20=20why was the number of signal distributors limited to two?=20--Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android=20=20=20=20=20______________________________________________________________From: Wambua, Christopher <>;=20To: <>;=20Cc: Consumer and Public Affairs <>; KICTAnet ICTPolicy Discussions <>;=20Subject: Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja'sDigital Migration Ruling=20Sent: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 6:43:55 PM=20=20=20=20=20The tender for the 2nd signal distribution licence was an openone. And indeed some of the local media set up a consortiumthrough which they submitted a bid. Their bid was howeverunsuccessful.=20=20=20=20=20=20If they had put in an attractive bid, they could have improvedtheir chances of winning. Even if CCK were to float anothertender for signal distribution restricted only to local firms,interested companies would have to compete for the licence.Firms that submit poor bids would still lose.=20=20=20=20=20=20Local firms need to improve their capacity in responding togovernment tenders. If they don't, they will continue losingout to international firms even in businesses where they haveproven expertise.=20=20=20=20=20=20Wambua=20=20=20=20=20Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.=20From:Watila Alex=20=20Sent:Thursday, 26 December 2013 21:22 PM=20=20To:Ngigi Waithaka=20=20Reply and Public Affairs; KICTAnet ICT PolicyDiscussions=20=20Subject:Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja'sDigital Migration Ruling=20=20=20=20=20i think their major compliant is the limiting of the number ofsignal distributors. they had hoped to also be signaldistributors=20=20--Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android=20=20=20=20=20______________________________________________________________From: Ngigi Waithaka <>;=20To: <>;=20Cc: Consumer and Public Affairs <>; KICTAnet ICTPolicy Discussions <>;=20Subject: Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja'sDigital Migration Ruling=20Sent: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 4:01:53 PM=20=20=20=20=20Quick one,=20Why would the media houses object to going Digital? Are thereany advantages to remaining analog?=20While I support that the 2nd license ought to have gone to theKenyan Consortium, I don't support us remaining on the analogbroadcasting platform.=20For the uninitiated, Digital is equivalent to FM in radiowhile Analog takes you back to Short Wave radio. Good lucktuning that....=20=20Waithaka Ngigi=20Alliance TechnologiesNairobi, 26 Dec 2013 13:56, "Bernard Kioko [Bernsoft Group]"<> wrote:=20Ali,=20=20=20It=E2=80=99s no secret am for the digital migration.=20=20=20Sometime in 2006, a worldwide decision was taken to migrate toDigital by 17th June 2015. Kenya actively started this processin 2009. Many consultative meetings have been held (75according to CS Information). Of the 9yrs allocated for thistransition, Kenya has already used up 7 doing rounds andentertaining selfish interests like we are seeing now. We have2 to go on now if we are to meet this deadline. Question: Whendo these media houses feel is the right time to move?=20=20=20=20These media houses were running in 2006=E2=80=A6.2009 =E2=80=A6 2=013=E2=80=A6 so theirinability to appropriately plan to migrate should not be usedto hold the country against the development and opportunitiesthat Digital broadcasting brings to the people of Kenya.=20=20=20What I find distasteful in their argument is that Nairobiansneed more time to acquire these devices. CCK had a clearawareness campaign which involved running advertisementsinforming Nairobians of this switch over and the need topurchase settop boxes. These media houses found it ideal torefuse to run these advertisements =E2=80=93 even though CCK was =goingto pay for the advertisements.=20=20=20Secondly, It was these media houses that asked that thedeadline be moved to December instead of August as CCK hadwanted. Instead of supporting their own December date, theyrushed to court to make an effort to block the migration. Ajudge has made a decision and I appreciate that they have aright to the appeal =E2=80=93 but what was the need to maliciousl=ydeceive Kenyans that they have been switched off? They weretransmitting. When DSTV and Zuku took them off their bouquetsthe game changed abit of course! What is the reason theyresumed their broadcast? Did CCK change any terms?=20=20=20If you watched the CS explain his frustrations with thesemedia houses, then you can understand more why we must notallow them to hold us ransom.=20=20=20BTW, it needs to be noted that there are no technical issuesaround the media houses being able to broadcast digitally.They are all currently technically able to broadcast.=20=20=20Just like they resisted having their print newspaper on theInternet =E2=80=93 and were eventually forced to, they will need =tounderstand that Digital Broadcasting is technology they haveno choice but to embrace.=20=20=20Regards=20=20=20=20PS: I wish they were telling CCK, we will comply with Digitalbroadcast fully right now, but allow us to stay on the analogfor another 3 months so that we are available on both analogand digital for that period. That to me would be a slightlyreasonable bargaining point.=20=20=20=20=20=20=20From: kictanet [] On Behalf Of AliHusseinSent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:16 PMTo: bkioko@bernsoft.comCc: Consumer and Public Affairs; kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.keSubject: Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protest Majanja'sDigital Migration Ruling=20=20=20=20@Wambua=20=20=20=20=20Thanks for that information. If that is the case then themedia houses are definitely not acting in good faith. Isuspect though that there may be an issue of who controlswhat..which in my opinion is shortsighted. I stand correctedin my assertions then.=20=20=20=20=20@ICT Researcher, what in your view is my stand? I'm simplymaking my personal assertions on this issue. We can of courseagree to disagree. =20=20Ali Hussein=20=20=20=20=20+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113=20=20=20=20=20"I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. Theworld will have a generation of idiots". ~ Albert Einstein=20=20=20=20=20Sent from my iPad=20=20=20On Dec 26, 2013, at 1:03 PM, "Wambua, Christopher"<> wrote:=20=20Ali,=20=20=20=20=20I know that the government has on a number ofoccasions offered to offload some shares in Signet tointerested media houses.=20=20=20=20=20Instead of taking up the offer, the media houses haveinstead persisted in their clamour to be issued withthe third signal distribution licence.=20=20=20=20=20=20Is this insistence in the interest of optimal use offrequency spectrum resources?=20=20Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.=20From: Ali Hussein=20=20Sent: Thursday, 26 December 2013 12:29 PM=20=20To: ICT Researcher=20=20Cc: Consumer and Public Affairs; Re: [kictanet] 3 Media houses protestMajanja's Digital Migration Ruling=20=20=20=20=20@ Ohaga, ICT Researcher=20=20=20=20=20Lest we forget=20=20=20=20=201.
6khz/-/index.html=20=20=20=20=20The issue guys isn't whether the media houses areright or wrong. Digital Migration is a foregoneconclusion. The issues is how we make policy in thiscountry on ICT issues. And this is not a reference tothe current administration. This is a blanketdiscussion on the last 15 years to date.=20=20=20=20=20Admittedly good things have happened and that is whythis country has progressed to where we are. There isa lot to celebrate but there is also a lot to be done.=20=20=20=20=20The digital migration ought from the onset (and I saythis with a straight face and no shame at all) to havebeen skewed towards local media houses as a matter ofcourse. In fact the first CIO article I mentionedabove (see the link) seemed to have alluded to thefact that the ministry had realized its error anddecided to award a 3rd digital license to local mediahouses...then poof! Something happened again and thedecision was rescinded.=20=20=20=20=20Ohaga, forgive me for being underwhelmed by theGovernment's awarding a digital platform license toKBC. No one on this list can deny the fact that KBC isa shadow of itself (if ever it was a whole being).Even its mandate of being the Government's mouthpieceis not being fulfilled. So why waste such astrategically important asset to it?=20=20=20=20=20=20The second article in the business daily alludes tothe fact that the AG registered Signet as a separateentity from KBC. That is as it should be. I wonderwhere that process is fact I will be daringenough to say that Signet should be reconfigured andshares offered to the local media houses so that thereis ownership of the local content producers. This isthe prudent thing to do. After all why offer a shareof Signet to DSTV (which is owned by Naspers of SouthAfrica) and not to other media houses?=20=20=20=20=20=20Lastly I would like to address the issue of policymaking and regulation. I'm not a lawyer but a simpleexplanation:-=20=20=20=20=20=20The policy maker decides what the regulations shouldbe and passes the laws implementing the regulations.The government regulator enforces those regulations.=20=20=20=20=20This issue has been addressed before by differentlisters on the list. I humbly submit that the lineshere are very blurred in government as to who shapespolicy and who regulates. I think its time someonetook the bull by its horns and does what needs to bedone.=20=20=20=20Ali Hussein=20=20=20=20=20+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113=20=20=20=20=20"I fear the day technology will surpass humaninteraction. The world will have a generation ofidiots". ~ Albert Einstein=20=20=20=20=20Sent from my iPad=20=20=20On Dec 26, 2013, at 11:03 AM, ICT Researcher<> wrote:=20=20=20i.e. one fails to understand what newarguement is, beyond all those dealt with onjudgement at: people for opening upcourt decisions to the public, without whichwe used to argue on third parties' opinions,views, hearsy, innuendos etc...=20------------------------------On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 8:38 AM MSK ICTResearcher wrote:=20=20=20=20=20=20=20-2 @Ali -1 @Ngigi -1=20=20=20=20=20=20-------------------------------=20On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 12:04 AM MSK S.M.Muraya wrote:=20=20=20+1 @Ali +1 @Ngigi +1=20=20=20=20=20Regards=20=20=20Murigi / Stanley Muraya=20=20=20*"Better a patient person thana warrior, one withself-control than one=20who takes a city." Prov 16:32*=20=20=20=20=20On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 10:27AM, Ngigi Waithaka<> wrote:=20=20=20This is the same corruptionissues disguised as'competitive' tender...=20=20=20Look at it this way, you wantKenya's airwaves to bedigital. On one hand=20you get a national parastatalwhich performs below averageon the other=20hand a foreign company.=20=20=20We all know KBC wouldn'tperform, so we will have ourkey national=20broadcast handled by a foreignfirm. If some guy in Chinapushes a certain=20button, we could get acomplete news blackout. Isthat not a serious=20security risk that ought tohave mitigated against duringthe bid=20requirements stage?=20=20=20Now my hypothesis, the Chinesegot this since the oneshandling the tender=20could not get kickbacks fromeither KBC nor from the Kenyanconsortium that=20generally operates in anindustry where they dont haveto pay kickbacks.=20With the incoming newgovernment the ones handlingthe tender, had to line=20their pockets quick. Damnnational interests!=20=20=20But, we are where we are andthem TV stations have beendown for a number=20of days, interestlingly enoughI havent noticed!=20=20=20Merry Xmas.=20=20=20Waithaka Ngigi=20=20=20Alliance Technologies=20Nairobi, 25 Dec 2013 07:32, "AliHussein" <>wrote:=20=20=20Wambua=20=20=20The issue I raise is beyond'competitive bidding issues'.=20=20=20Try owning digital signals inChina, US or Europe if you area foreign=20company. Why is it that wethink that 'free markets' areonly 'free' when=20African countries areinvolved?=20=20=20History is littered with localprotectionism for certainindustries. In=20fact China and Japan are thebiggest examples of this. Waydo we see it fit=20to just give away our CrownJewels in the guise of freeand competitive=20bidding?=20=20=20I understand that this may bebeyond CCK's pay grade andshould actually=20be addressed to policymakers...=20=20=20Ali Hussein=20=20=20+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113=20=20=20"I fear the day technologywill surpass humaninteraction. The world will=20have a generation of idiots".~ Albert Einstein=20=20=20Sent from my iPad=20=20=20On Dec 24, 2013, at 6:41 PM,Bernard Kioko<> wrote:=20=20=20They can't share or come outlike he just did. Theirs isnot based on=20honesty and valid reasons. Theuse of court is so they canhide behind=20legal technicalities.=20=20=20The CS said he has beenavailable for dialog but theygo chest thumb and=20threatening.=20=20=20If they had any previouseffort towards educatingconsumer they would=20hold moral authority in myspace. Refusing to air paidadverts by cck....I=20say very irresponsible.=20=20=20sad though.=20On 24 Dec 2013 18:35,"Walubengo J"<> wrote:=20=20=20=20=20=20=20@Wambua=20=20=20jst seen the CSbreathing fire onK24 on this matter. Itlooks like=20this fight is movingfrom the courts intothe public space. Itsounds like=20its going to be looongand bloody. Ave heardfrom the Govt side, Iwonder=20what the Media houseside is...they are allhere on KICTAnet and Iwish=20they would freelyshare their view-outside theconstraints of a courtcase.=20=20=20One good outcome ofthe blackout from NTV,KTN and Citizen is the=20discovery of KBC andKT24...had forgottenthey exist :-)=20=20=20walu.=20=20=20=20=20-------------------------=-----=20On Tue, Dec 24, 20134:39 PM AST (Arabian)Wambua, Christopherwrote:=20=20=20Bernard,=20=20=20CCK has notissued a thirdlicence fordigital signaldistribution.=20=20=20ChristopherWambua=20Manager -Communications=20Consumer andPublic AffairsDepartment=20CommunicationsCommission ofKenya=20P.O. Box 14448NAIROBI 00800=20Tel: +254<><htt=p://>=20=20=20=20=20=20=20From: BernardKioko[BernsoftGroup][]=20Sent: Tuesday,December 24,2013 4:35 PM=20To: Wambua,Christopher=20Cc: Consumerand PublicAffairs;'KICTAnet ICTPolicyDiscussions'=20Subject: RE:[kictanet] 3Media housesprotestMajanja'sDigital=20Migration Ruling=20=20=20Christopher,=20=20=20I am an ardentsupporter ofthe migrationbut I need toask.=20=20=20Have youissued any 3rdlicense toanyone?=20=20=20Regards=20=20=20From: kictanet[]<mailto:[]> On Behalf=20Of Wambua, Christopher=20Sent: Tuesday,December 24,2013 12:54 PM=20To:bkioko@bernsoft.c=om<>=20Cc: Consumerand PublicAffairs;KICTAnet ICTPolicyDiscussions=20Subject: Re:[kictanet] 3Media housesprotestMajanja'sDigital=20Migration Ruling=20Importance:High=20=20=20You willrecall thatthe 2ndlicence fordigitalbroadcastingsignal=20distribution wasissued outcompetitively throughan open tender. Someof=20the local media housesexpressed interest inthe tender but lostout to the=20licence by thePan-Africa NetworkGroup in an open andtransparent=20tendering process.They subsequentlylodged an appeal tothe Public=20Procurement OversightAuthority (PPOA) whichwas dismissed aslacking any=20merit.=20=20=20The two firmshave set updigitalplatforms inNairobi andother major=20towns in country tosupport the migrationfrom analogue todigital TV=20broadcasting. Theissue of awarding thelicences to a Chinesefirm and a=20subsidiary of a firmon its deathbed istherefore a non-issue.=20=20=20Best regards=20=20=20ChristopherWambua=20Manager -Communications=20Consumer andPublic AffairsDepartment=20CommunicationsCommission ofKenya=20P.O. Box 14448NAIROBI 00800=20Tel: +254<><htt=p://>=20=20=20=20=20=20=20From: kictanet[] On Behalf Of Kivuva=20Sent: Tuesday,December 24,2013 12:25 PM=20To: Wambua,Christopher=20Cc: KICTAnetICT PolicyDiscussions=20Subject: Re:[kictanet] 3Media housesprotestMajanja'sDigital=20Migration Ruling=20=20=20On 23 December2013 19:01,Ali Hussein<<>wrote:=20Brinkmanship.=20=20=20To be fairthough I can'thelp thinkinghow skewed weare as acountry=20that the two digitalsignals are:-=20=20=201. Controlledby a Chinesecompany=202. Controlledby a defunctmedia companythat is at itsdeath bed..=20=20=20+1 Ali=20=20=20Capital flightis a KILLER ofany economy.=20=20=20=20=20Where have wego we wrong?=20Ali Hussein=20=20=20+254 0770906375 / 0713601113=20=20=20"I fear theday technologywill surpasshumaninteraction.The world=20<...=20[Message clipped] =20_______________________________________________kictanet mailing listkictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke or change your options at Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholderplatform for people and institutions interested and involvedin ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as acatalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of thenational aim of ICT enabled growth and development.=20KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptablebehaviors online that you follow in real life: respectpeople's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame orabuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do notmarket your wares or qualifications.=20=20=20=20--=20=E2=80=9CThe twentieth century has been characterized by three developmen=ts ofgreat political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth ofcorporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means ofprotecting corporate power against democracy=E2=80=9D_______________________________________________kictanet mailing listkictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke or change your options at Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform f=or people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regula=
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. . ___. .__ Posix Systems - (South) Africa
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The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.
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