Topic: Think Before You Post!

Date: Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Venue: Nairobi Garage, Ngong Road, Piedmont Plaza, 4th Floor

Time: 6 – 8 pm

Today, many people can easily access the internet either on their cellphones, through free Wi-Fi at educational institutions or workplaces.  The thousands of cyber-cafes that have come up in most urban and some rural areas have also increased internet access.

Access to digital media technologies  means that everyone can now become a publisher (blog) can create and distribute radio (podcast) and TV (video) far and wide especially through social media platforms.  But how many people think of the risks they face when they click that button to share some interesting content they have come across or have created?

There have been reports in the media of people being arrested because of what they post online and others have lost their jobs as a result of statements made online.  When journalists publish online, they are bound by their code of ethics.  What issues should other netizens take into consideration before posting information online?

Our guests for the February session of Hacks/Hackers Nairobi #HHNBO will help us address the following questions:

1.       What ethical considerations do I need to make before posting online?

2.      What are the legal ramifications of what I post online?

3.      Do my posts pose a risk to my personal security?

In addition, Code for Africa will showcase tools to track deleted tweets.

Guest speakers:

Henry Maina – Article 19

Grace Githaiga – Kictanet

Hacks/Hackers Nairobi is a forum where journalists and techies meet on a monthly basis to discuss issues that affect their work.

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