Hi everyone,
I understand that this is a Bill emanating from the work of the Senate ICT Committee. After visiting the counties, they saw a gap in cybersecurity and protection of infrastructure.

The issue of whether Senate can legislate on this- the Bill will affect Counties and their governments if you read the memorandum.

One thing we have learnt from the process of the ICT Practitioners Bill is that legislators/committees appreciate their role under a presidential system. We, wananchi also need to appreciate our role and entry points if our input is to be meaningful...


On 3 Aug 2016 11:20 p.m., "Barrack Otieno via kictanet" <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
Looking forwad to the output of the Map excercise @ Nanjira,

Best Regards

On 8/3/16, Nanjira Sambuli <email@nanjira.com> wrote:
> Well, there is the matter of whether this is a Senate-level element of
> legislation, as Alex pointed out.
> This cybersecurity space runs a big risk of being over-legislated, without
> coherence. This is a key finding from the mapping exercise we have been
> conducting. There is a serious need, not only for harmonisation of bills,
> but also of efforts to introduce legislative frameworks.
> Will share more on our findings at the IGF next week.
>> On 3 Aug 2016, at 20:57, Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nanjira, Alex and Listers,
>> I have perused the bill and have the following observations:
>> 1. This bill is Sponsored by Hon Mutahi Kagwe Chairman of the Senate
>> ICT Commitee whereas the Computer and Cybercrimes bill is Sponsored by
>> Leader of the Majority Hon Duale
>> 2. Both bills share the same objective, i have observed that Hon
>> Duale's bill which was discussed on KICTANET last week is more
>> punitive (Fines in Millions) while Hon Kagwe's is lenient (Fines are
>> in hundreds of thousands.
>> 3. I have observed that the Cyber Security and Protection Bill leans a
>> lot towards critical Internet Infrastructure whereas the Computer and
>> Cyber Crimes Bill focuses on Cyber crime and Child Online Protection,
>> however both bills have strong emphasis on Cyber Security.
>> 4. The Cyber Security and Protection Bill justifies the need for Cyber
>> Security laws within the county government framework.
>> 5. Overall both are good attempts but there is need for harmonization.
>> Best Regards
>> On 8/3/16, Alex Watila via kictanet <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Please note that senate only needs to be involved on laws touching on
>>> county
>>> functions listed in schedule 4 of cok 2010
>>> <http://www.klrc.go.ke/index.php/constitution-of-kenya/167-schedules-schedul
>>> es/fourth-schedule-distribution-of-functions-between-national-and-the-county
>>> -governments/448-2-county-governments>
>>> My understanding is that cyber security is a national function
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: kictanet
>>> [mailto:kictanet-bounces+awatila=yahoo.co.uk@lists.kictanet.or.ke] On
>>> Behalf
>>> Of henry--- via kictanet
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 5:03 PM
>>> To: awatila@yahoo.co.uk
>>> Cc: henry@article19.org; Nanjira Sambuli <email@nanjira.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Cyber Security and Data Protection (Senate) Bill
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Nanjira Sambuli via kictanet" <
>>> <mailto:kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
>>> To:  <mailto:henry@article19.org> henry@article19.org
>>> Cc: "Nanjira Sambuli" < <mailto:email@nanjira.com> email@nanjira.com>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 4:49:03 PM
>>> Subject: [kictanet] Cyber Security and Data Protection (Senate) Bill
>>> Anyone familiar with the genesis of this bill?
>>> <http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/bills/2016/CyberSecurityandPr
>>> otectionBill_2016.pdf>
>>> http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/bills/2016/CyberSecurityandPro
>>> tectionBill_2016.pdf
>>> Wasnt aware of this version. It seems like the older version of the Bill
>>> developed by the ODPP.
>>> Regards
>>> Henry
>>> Regards,
>>> Nanjira.
>>> Sent from my iPhone.
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>> --
>> Barrack O. Otieno
>> +254721325277
>> +254733206359
>> Skype: barrack.otieno
>> PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
> Regards,
> Nanjira.
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Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
PGP ID: 0x2611D86A

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The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.

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