On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Rebecca Wanjiku
<rebeccawanjiku@yahoo.com> wrote:
Apparently Kenic has issued termination letters to all employees, what will the PS increase control over if the organization has no employees? Read more...
Well, who is KENIC - I mean, who signed the termination letters?
Who is the KENIC CEO, by the way?
Was the decision approved by the KENIC Board or maybe the KENIC constitution allows the CEO to act unilaterally?
My thinking is that such is a very serious move that requires approval from the Board.
Going by the recent grumbles about KENIC on this forum, maybe it is now time to conduct an Institutional Assessment on the organization and come up with recommendations on how it should be run.
Hopefully, Sammy Buruchara will enlighten the community on what led to such a move.