Dear all
See below and attached 2006 dates/events to watch. If any member has an
event please send us the details so that we could include it on the KICTANET
Thank you and have a great 2006
10 January 2006
KICTANET Cocktail Party
Appreciating old friends welcoming new ones
Jacaranda Hotel, Nairobi
19 January
LINUX Chicks Strategic Planning meeting. Jacaranda Hotel
20 January KICTANET
Strategic planning one day meeting. Jacaranda Hotel Nairobi
27 January 2006
KICTANET Meeting with CATIA/UNDP Open Access Project
Jacaranda Hotel
KICATNET Planning meeting
7-8 February, Lagos
Customer Service & Call Center Training Course
16-17 February, Nairobi
Corporate Network Management Forum: LANs, WANs, VPNs, Multimedia, VoIP, and
23-25 February, Nairobi
Idlelo2: Achieving Millennium Development Goals through Community Software
(in association with FOSSFA)
2-3 March, Kigali
The second Rwanda National ICT Convention (Under the auspices of the Rwanda
IT Authority)
10-13 March (TBC)
KICTANET Media and ICTs workshop
Indian Ocean Beach Club Mombasa, Kenya
16-17 March, Nairobi
East African Banking & Financial Services & Markets
21-22 March, Lagos
Finance-IT Africa
23-24 March, Dar es Salaam
Tanzania GSM Forum
27-31 March 2006
ICANN, Wellington, New Zealand
5-7 April, Nairobi
VSAT Installation Course (in association with Global VSAT Forum)
10-12 April, Johannesburg
The African WiMAX & CDMA Forum
26-27 April, Nairobi
Competitive Intelligence Africa
4-5 May, Maputo
The Mozambique National ICT Convention (Under the auspices of the Ministry
of Science & Technology)
May 7-15 2006
Africa Network Operators Group (AFNOG). Nairobi. Kenya
16-17 May 2006
Africa Internet Numbers Registry (AFRINIC )
Meeting. Nairobi, Kenya
17 May, Nairobi
The AITEC African ICT Excellence & Achievement Awards: East Africa
18-20 May, Nairobi
The African Open Access Forum
24-26 May, Ottawa
The Canada-Africa Trade & Investment Exhibition & Conference
1-2 June, Nairobi
East African BPO & Call Center Conference
14-16 June, Lusaka
AITEC Zambia
15-17 June, Nairobi
Telecom East Africa (in association with ECO Kenya)
20 June, Johannesburg
The AITEC African ICT Excellence & Achievement Awards: Southern Africa
26-30 June
ICANN Meeting
Marrakech, Morocco
29-30 June, London (Holiday Inn Regent’s Park)
AITEC Europe 2: The African ICT Investment & Partnership Forum
5-6 July, Lagos
The African VoIP Forum 3
6 July, Lagos
The AITEC African ICT Excellence & Achievement Awards: West Africa
20-21 July, Dar es Salaam
Tanzania Banking Technology Expo & Conference
3-5 August, Mauritius
AITEC Indian Ocean
4-7 September, South Africa
ACT 8: The African Computing & Telecommunications Summit
30 August, Durban
The AITEC African ICT Excellence & Achievement Awards: Pan-Africa
16-18 November, Nairobi
Made in India Exhibition
23-24 November, Dar es Salaam
East African Government Technology Conference
30 November-3rd December 2006
ICANN Meeting, Latin America
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