As we pay tribute to Eng. Rege, we may want to get a feel of what the new PS would be bringing to the table. I played with Google and found that his focus is on SME's ane Entrepreneurship issues. Such experience might come in handy in the implementation stage of the ICT policy.
The new PS, Dr. Elijah Bitange Ndemo is a former lecturer at the University of Nairobi's Department of Business and Economics. Dr. Ndemo is a graduate of Management from the University of Minnesota's Calson School of Management. He received his Masters in Business Administration from University of St. Thomas, USA, and his doctorate degree at University of Sheffield. He has taught management science courses at the University of Nairobi since 1993. He is a member of the Kenya Institute of Management. His post doctoral paper completed in 2001 was on "Obstacles to growth of Kenyan microenterprises in manufacturing".
HERE'S WHAT HE HAS WRITTEN: 1. Assessing Social Enterprise: Evidence from Kenya (Ndemo, Elijah Bitange) www.isba2004.org/Papers&Authors.html
2. Linkage Dynamics between Small and Large firms in Kenya (Dr. Elijah Bitange Ndemo, Senior Lecturer, University of Nairobi) http://www.isbe2005.org/AbstractsI/I4%20Ndemo%20(007).doc
3. Can Faith Based Enterprises Be Sustained in Kenya? (Bitange Ndemo) http://www.babson.edu/entrep/fer/FER_2004/web-content/Section%20XI/S7/XI-S7....
4. Maasai Entrepreneurship and Change (Bitange Ndemo, University of Nairobi) http://www.ccsbe.org/jsbe/current.htm#7
5. He led the development of the "Jua Kali Weekly" - a weekly newspaper launched to cover issues on Micro and Small Enterprises in the East African Region. According to "Through our Website we will offer free marketing space that will promote their merchandise for sale all over the World."
EXTRA QUOTES: http://www.mndaily.com/daily/gopher-archives/1989/05/19/Fundamentalists_spre...
Wainaina Mungai http://www.madeinkenya.org
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
-------Original Message------- From: Florence Etta <feanywhere@yahoo.co.uk> Subject: Re: Fate of ICT Policy Sent: 09 Dec '05 15:58
Hi all,
Both Waudo and Jason are right with respect to their expressed fears in respect of the fate of the ICT policy. However there is a significant element in contemporary Kenya which suggests that the same fate will not befall the current ICT policy (which is awaiting Cabinet approval) as did the 1993 draft informatics policy. This element is that we have a network - KICTAnet devoted to ensuring precisely that the policy is concluded, the implemenatation plan commenced and relevant regulation is in place to ensure an enabling environment for ICT engineered growth in the country. That was the reason for bringing all the actors onto one platform and this aim is still to be pursued through this forum.
As for Engineer Rege, he acted as a very good bridge between the governemnt, private sector, civil society and donors in the short time that he was there as PS (June - Dec 2005) and history will vindicate him. KICTAnet is planning to give him a befitting tribute and details of what will be decided will be posted on this list so that the wider community can be part of this effort if necessary.
_"JASON M. GITHEKO" <GITHEKO@EGERTON.AC.KE>_ wrote: I wouldn't hold my breath with regard to anything pending before cabinet. Under the current circumstances it seems doubtful that there will be a government at all in the short term...
-- J M Githeko Director Self Sponsored Programmes Ag. Director ICT Centre Egerton University, Nakuru Town Campus P O Box 13357-20100, Nakuru, Kenya Phone: 254 51 2215648 Fax: 254 51 2214788 Mobile: 254 722 740237
On Thu, December 8, 2005 18:04, Waudo Siganga said:
Dear Colleagues,
While! wishing well to those entrusted with various responsibilities in the new Government line up, one can only hope that issues such as the incomplete National ICT Policy process will eventually see the light of day. The last word was that the document was with cabinet and now, following the cabinet changes we have a déjà vu situation reminiscent of what happened in 1993. In that year the Government requested for donor assistance to formulate a national ICT (then referred to as Informatics) Policy. UNESCO stepped in and after six months or so a multi-stakeholder committee under then PS for Science and Technology Karega Mutahi finalized the document which was subsequently handed over to the Minister, the late Zachary Onyonka. After the handover a major cabinet reshuffle saw the PS and Minister moved. In the process the documents got lost and forgotten. Perhaps only a couple of copies rem! ain today, one of which I hold as a collectors item.
That said, outgoing PS James Rege deserves commendation from the industry for job very well done during his tenure. I was personally very surprised that he was not retained.
Kind Regards, Waudo Siganga
--- Submitted by: csk@nbi.ispkenya.com 2005-12-08 19:49:03 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [githeko@egerton.ac.ke] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
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