Robert, I see where you are coming from, standing but not sure whether to go left or right. My insight revolves around the same, with somecuriosity on why Safaricom would rather force people to remain pegged on their network with some flimsy Terms and Conditions.

Markets only thrive when fair competition is the order of the day. When an indivudual enjoy monopolies, there is a tendency for the same individual to become arrogant, because someone or the law, is protecting them.
Lord Akton in 12th Century said, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely', and so there is  a need for the company to make some liberal decisions which will continue boosting the image of the firm.

I tend to ask, imagine the government saying that only patients with NHIF cards will receive ARVs, because they are not using another health scheme?

I should not see Safaricom as my enemy because I'm using Zain. At the end of the day, Kenyans are benefiting from the services of these firms and making life easier for the Mama Mboga is a steop ahead in showing how much you want your consumers enjoy seamless service.

Monopoly kills sustainable development! 

My view!

On 22/09/2009, robert yawe <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been monitoring the growth of MPesa and I am getting concerned that
> we shall soon be held ransom if its growth is not monitored and their none
> competitive activities stopped.
> We are more concerned about number portability yet this will only benefit a
> few foreign investors yet mpesa has become so
> pervasive
> yet the tax consuming regulators do nothing to protect the consumer.
> The success of safaricoms mpesa has been so meteoric that it has scollen
> their heads to the point that there officers have become more powerful than
> the dreaded mungiki.  They determine who can open an outlet where and which
> outlet will be shutdown.
> On the other extreme is the terms that the agents are giving such as they
> cannot provide the services of a competing provider.  Imagine if KCC or
> Elliots wher giving the power to determine who can ot cannot sell their
> products and also require that you do not sell a competing product where
> would the milk and bread industry be today.
> If even KBL realised that a retailer must be free to decide which products
> to sell and not be bullied into selling the products of a particular
> brewer.
> Competition is about a level playing field of which the money transfer
> business it not, why should a grandmother in Budalangi or Kangaita who has a
> Zaine line be denied the opportunity to receive funds from her grand
> children because the only shop keeper within a 5 KM radius of her home is
> not allowed to offer multiple money transfer products, yet he can sell Tuzo,
> Brookside, Fresha, Haifa or any other brand of milk.
> We are regressing very first and unless the regulators do what they are paid
> to do with our hard earned taxes then we soon shall be be cornered.  This
> keeps looking like the mark of the demon that is quoted in the bible.
> Somebody stop this madness.
> Robert Yawe
> KAY System Technologies Ltd
> Phoenix House, 6th Floor
> P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200
> Kenya
> Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696

Solomon Mburu
P.O. Box 19343 - 00202 Nairobi
Cell: (+254-0) 735 431041

Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all
the same way to the side of a hill!


It is better to die in dignity than in the ignomity of ambiguous generosity!
