ICT Investment Opportunities in Kenya The following are concluding remarks from a report titled ICT Investment Opportunities in East Africa Country Specific Market Analysis Kenya of October 2004 authored by Tina James Trigrammic, SA), Kimmo Kartano (Independent Consultant) Finland) and Tim Mutinda (Technology Consulting, Kenya). The remarks capture the essence of the findings and suggestions to the future. “The ICT sector in Kenya is small but with its skilled lCT labor force and recent changes in the government’s approaches to liberalization, some promising opportunities are likely to emerge in the short term. “Investments are predominantly in the telecommunications sector as funding requirements in the IT software and services sectors will require smaller investments in the region of USD50 000 – 300 000. The creation of venture capital funding is needed to address this gap in the market and will need to take addressed if the potential of this component of the ICT sector is to be unleashed.”