
Convert data (formats) into reports that are easily accessible by relevant parties in the organization, after people realize how difficult nut necessary it is to consolidate (for analysis) information in 4 or 5 different systems used within...



By CHARLES WOKABI cwokabi@ke.nationmedia.com
Posted  Saturday, November 10  2012 at  17:35


  • The Kenya open data initiative was officially launched in July last year by President Kibaki, with the aim of putting Kenya among the first Third World countries to make government information freely available to its citizens in a single portal
  • At its inception, the open data initiative was expected to set off a spirited boom in application development, but according to Information and Communications permanent secretary Dr Bitange Ndemo, only a few more of 50 new applications have come up based on the initiative
  • Dr Ndemo told the Sunday Nation that the ministry was getting frustrated because of the low amount of data supplied by organisations