1. The Kenya Information and Communications (Broadcasting)
Regulations, 2015
2. The Kenya Information and Communications (Universal
Service and Access) Regulations, 2015
3. The Kenya Information and Communications (Infrastructure
sharing) Regulations, 2015
4. The Kenya Information and Communications (Cybersecurity) Regulations,
5. The Kenya Information and Communications (Electronic
Certification and Doman Name Administration) Regulations, 2015
6. The Kenya Information and Communications (Electronic Transactions) Regulations, 2015
The said draft regulations can be accessed on the Authority’s website through the following link:http://www.ca.go.ke/index.php/public-consultations
Interested persons are hereby invited to submit written representation and /or comments on the said draft Regulations by and not later than 23rd December, 2015 through the following email address: regulationsreview@ca.go.ke.
Your inputs as key stakeholders will be very much appreciated. Please share with other networks beyond KICTANET so that we can have many more contributing their views. The attendant public notice which also appeared in the major dailies , is attached for your reference.