Dear Listers, Here is a video on Fighting for Internet Freedom: Dubai and Beyond Communications and Technology . <> 2123 Rayburn Background Documents and Information:! *Hearing Notice<> * Background Memo<> H.R. ___, Discussion Draft on Internet Governance<> *Note: This hearing will be held jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade and the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations* Opening Statements: Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden<> Witnesses: Commissioner Robert McDowell - Federal Communications Commission - Witness Testimony<> (Truth in Testimony and CV<> ) Ambassador David A. Gross - Former U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy - U.S. Department of State - Witness Testimony<>(Truth in Testimony and CV<> ) Ms. Sally Shipman Wentworth - Senior Manager, Public Policy - Internet Society - Witness Testimony<>(Truth in Testimony and CV<> ) Mr. Harold Feld - Senior Vice President - Public Knowledge - Witness Testimony<>(Truth in Testimony and CV<> ) Dr. Bitange Ndemo - Permanent Secretary in the Kenyan Ministry of Information and Communications; and - A Director of the Communications Commission of Kenya. - Witness Testimony<>(Truth in Testimony and CV<> ) Congress: 113th <> Regards, Gideon Rop, DotConnectAfrica