Goodness! There are tons of them! "neccecary", "remeber" "conjuction".

Does the government have a guideline for all departments on publishing online? A quality assurance mechanism is needed (content, style, freshness of information etc).

I'm sure there are people on this list and elsewhere who would be glad to help.

Kind regards,


Muchiri Nyaggah

Principal Partner


+254 722 506400





On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Ory Okolloh <> wrote:
This is a great initiative by the Ministry of Education, BUT why so many typos all over the website (I'm not even going to touch the poor design) - surely this is sending the wrong kind of message when a website focused on education and teachers has so many errors.

E.g. "National Educational Portal for Kenya NEPK. This is an initiative for Teachers by Teachers to help educators share Leaning Materials, Lesson Plans amongst others to aid in the capacity development amongst Teachers. Teachers can occasionslly get syllubus updates from this portal and ensure they are practicing using up to date materials"

PS Ndemo, any idea can we direct our complaints?



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