Let me add my congrats to Alex as well. Alex- all the best in your new responsibilities for Africa. tm

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 2:10 PM, waudo siganga <emailsignet@mailcan.com> wrote:
Congratulations to Alex Gakuru for beating the opposition hands down to the position for Africa rep in the NCUC of the ICANN GNSO. This shows that "Yes We Can" and Kenya is still exporting leaders for the world!
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 23:45 -0700, "wesley kirinya" <kiriinya2000@yahoo.com> wrote:
Got this one, thought it's worth sharing.
"The 2009 NCUC Annual Election results are now in.

The complete results can be viewed directly online at:

Thank you to Carlos Afonso and the gentle folk at NIC.br for holding
the election and managing its process.

Thank you to all the candidates who stood in our most robust NCUC
election EVER!

Congrats to the new representatives!


Final Results:

Executive Committee Africa: Alex Gakuru
Executive Committee Asia: David Cake
Executive Committee Europe: Konstantinos Komaitis
Executive Committee North America: Brenden Kuerbis
Executive Committee South America: Carlos Affonso de Souza
GNSO Council: Wendy Seltzer
NCUC Chair: Robin Gross
Charter revisions

What is NCUC:

The NCUC is the home for civil society organizations and individuals
in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO). With real voting power
in ICANN policy-making and Board selection, it develops and supports
positions that favor non-commercial communication and activity on the
Internet. The NCUC is open to non-commercial organizations and
individuals involved in education, community networking, public policy
, development, promotion of the arts, children's welfare,
religion, consumer protection, scientific research, human rights and
many other areas.




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