How are music pirates being targeted by this petition? As a consumer of content what I see is a petition to censor the open nature of the Internet by blocking websites. On 29/01/2015 15:25, Bernard Kioko via kictanet wrote:
Hehehe.... Mpesa was to say anything is possible. If u don't pirate music this petition won't affect you surely? N by that i mean anyone. If a law is passed that affects thieves and you are not one... Shouldn't you let the law be... On Jan 29, 2015 3:21 PM, "cdohnio via kictanet" <> wrote:
Benard, Did you just used Mpesa as an example that there may be a way to block websites?:D
There are several ways, the problem is do you want to turn us into China and have our own great firewall and violate our rights up and down the spectrum? How do we trust anyone not to use such a system to block free speech or even their competition?