Hi Edith,

I am on Zuku at home. It works for me. I have come across a few people quite happy with Zuku on fibre in the Kileleshwa area. Access@Home I hear is also pretty good.

I have heard operators mention a few times how expensive it is to plug customers onto fibre. I would be interested in hearing what other challenges they are facing and how many of those are simply lack of creative thinking as opposed to an unfriendly operating environment (regulator, legislative or otherwise).

Kind regards,


Muchiri Nyaggah



+254 722 506400






On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Edith Adera <eadera@idrc.or.ke> wrote:



Just wanted to share an observation that despite the hype that fibre had arrived on the Kenyan coast, it seems to be taking long for Broadband to arrive in residential homes! I see cable installation everywhere, but I have not come across a provider aggressively advertising to Kenyans for broadband to the homes. Am I living in my own world?


Anyone has an idea of a reliable provider with clean bandwidth to homes (not the “bamba” type connections)



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