Listers Edwin, thank you for your email. Will provide a comprehensive response later. Meanwhile find attached an update on the forthcoming Kenya ICT Board Value Proposition Summit to be held in Bellagio Italy next week which I have also written about severally. Paul Kukubo Chief Executive Officer, Kenya ICT Board PO Box 27150 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya 12th Floor, Teleposta Towers Koinange Street Tel +254 20 2089061, +254 20 2211960 Fax: +254 20 2211962 website: www.ict.go.ke local content project: www.tandaa.co.ke, www.facebook.com/tandaakenya twitter:@tandaaKENYA BPO Project: www. doitinkenya.co.ke Digital Villages Project: www.pasha.co.ke personal contacts _______________ Cell: + 254 717 180001 skype: kukubopaul googletalk: pkukubo personal blog: www.paulkukubo.co.ke personal twitter: @pkukubo ____________________ Vision: Kenya becomes a top ten global ICT hub Mission: To champion and actively enable Kenya to adopt and exploit ICT, through promotion of partnerships, investments and infrastructure growth for socio economic enrichment On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Edwin Onchari <eonchari@lynxbits.com>wrote:
For the benefit of those that closely follow the outsourcing sector goings on, this progress report was posted on the KICTB website. Access to such information minimizes unnecessary queries by the private sector to the concerned agencies and affords all stakeholders a standard script to read from.
As I read this report and while 50% of 70% of the recommendations have been achieved, I feel that the following status points need further clarification:
1. *Under the “Launch a go-to market campaign to bring investors”* – from the 12 or so targeted international events in 2010, what are the success numbers? How many firms have expressed interest in investing/outsourcing to Kenya? Did they partner/expressed interest to partner with any firm in Kenya? Did they have contacts of these organizations in Kenya? Did Kenyan firms send have their profiles included in any marketing materials by the board at these events?
2. *Prioritize large scale operators* – Is this strategy working? How many operations that are under this threshold are successfully doing business in Kenya? Is the lack of 250 seat capacity operations as a result of lack of business, limited access to funding or lack of industry knowledge?
3. *Government commitment to the industry* – are the special economic zones extendable to foreign firms only or has this been applied to local firms that have onshore (Kenyan company outsourcing to a Kenyan firm) work? What is the criteria for special economic zone exemptions? Which agency is responsible for which licenses, exemptions, etc?
4. *Improve the international perception of Kenya…as the country awaits for a NASSCOM type body to emerge* - Does this report recommend then that the BPO/ITES working group assumes the role of the industry body? Does the board/ working group have guidelines for the industry?
5. Is the BPO syndicate committee in place? Who are the members and what are their roles?
Best Regards,
Edwin M Onchari
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