Greetings Listers, Just wish to thank Alex, Mildred and F.E for their contributions on the Vision theme given on the last day of the discussion. I also wish to say that we have not managed to secure the Wed 13th July Date for our planned face2face Validation meeting at Strahmore. A new date will be advised by this wednesday. We shall also share the consolidated views by Thrs this week in preparation for the KICTAnet face to face validation meeting. Finally plse note that the contributions directly to the ministry are still open through tomorrow 12th July 2016 through the email address . A national stakeholder meetings will then follow at the end of July and we shall be advised. rgds. walu. From: Walubengo J <> To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <> Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 9:06 AM Subject: Draft National ICTPolicy:-End of Online Discussions Listers, We had wanted your full attention so that I can 'officially' declare the end of our online discussions on the Draft National ICT Policy. But clearly the proposed ICT practitioners Bill has stolen our thunder :-) Either way, I thank all those who contributed as well as those who read in silence :-). We shall have the compiled reports from the KICTAnet list as a well as the Jadili platform by the end of the week for your perusal. Thereafter, we shall hold a face2face Validation Workshop at the Strathmore University at a date to be confirmed later on next week. However, you can tentatively keep your Wed 13th open as we firm up the date with the Ministry. All the best and thanx alot. Walu & Barrack on behalf of KICTAnet