Hi all,
So let's start off with a few days of throwing around possible agenda areas. This hould give us a sense of what issues have high priority and how much time we need to set aside to deal with them.
I would suggest that we have a freestyle discussion - send your proposals as a title with a short paragraph describing the point - then other (or yourself) can contribute add/subtract.
Then after a reasonable period we can coalesce these inputs into a single agenda for the meeting and also decide on what format would best suit the dialogue/debate on thiat particular item.
e.g. for the different ICT organisations I think a Panel format, where each group gets 15 minutes to "share" - then the audience gets a chance to "interact" - and a session moderator does a wrap up.
another thing that I think would be good is to have an "Open Mic" session where for a period of time any participant can air/vent any view for 3 minutes.
any other suggestions?