Thanks Victor, Toby and KK.

Victor, you are right on spot on the definition of who a journalist is Vs editorial control. I agree with you that there is a need to distinguish between individuals who choose to report/comment on issues as individuals, and those who do so as part of a professional organisation or media. And yes if you tweet, and CNN carries your story, it means that the story will be subjected to journalistic rules of objectivity/accuracy and fairness. CNN and by and large news organizations will have different rules of carrying a story from those of a non-news website and ofcourse the code of conduct would not apply to the later. Your point on the need to be careful not to censor individual censorship is noted, and yes your rights end where mine begin. On subjectivity of opinion pieces, this is an issue that needs further debate since the bill in its definition of what journalism is,confines it to collecting, writing, editing and presenting of news or news articles…A lot of opinion pieces are topical.

Toby, we have noted your concern of Article 11(1)(c) and (e) of the bill which refer to subjective grounds for removing members from the Council, and therefore take your suggestion on the need to have a 2/3 vote of other Council members on this matter.
I get your point on Articles 12 and 26 on remuneration, and the need to link this with benefits provided to an existing position. I imagine this would bring uniformity.
 Your concern on levies and fees 19(d) is noted. 
 I agree with you on the need for the Council to produce an annual report of its activities, (article 23). 
 On 36(1) yes it should be considered that these obligations be part of a code of conduct, through further consultations.
  KK, there is already a Media Council in place. The transition clause I have in mind is one that spells for example the time frame that the new rules should be effected at the Council, and what will be required for the current MCK to get itself into starting operations under the new rules (once the new rules take effect). 



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