If you may indulge me for a moment, the way GoK works is that before Vision 2030 MTP for 2008/12 was launched last year after the Grand Coalition Government was formed is that every Ministry gave its input on what should be included. Attached is the Medium Term Plan for the ICT Sector which went into informing what is in V2030. Considering every Ministry (the same may apply to a Board, Commission, etc.) did produce a similar document and forwarded it to the Ministry of Planning and Vision 2030, you need to appreciate that the technocrats at MoP&V2030 did condense what was received to adhere to its format i.e. Status; Emerging Issues & Challenges; Flagship Projects; and Policy, Legal, Implementation etc.
What the Ministries have done since the V2030 was released is launch their Strategic Plans (SPs) and hence what may be of value for this discussion is the existence of the SPs since they go beyond what is spelt out in the V2030  and do a detailed (a) Institutional Review; (b) Situation Analysis; (c) Strategic Direction;  (d) Resource Mobilization; and (d) Strategic Plan Implementation. If you could get hold of the SPs of MoI&Cm KICTB, CCK etc. you would be better informed. The McKinsey, IDRC, etc. reports may feed into policy (at MoI&C), regulation (at CCK), implementation (at KICTB, KMMUC) for example and hence one needs to relate with this as well to answer your queation fully.
Due to the system introduced last year of Performance Contracting it should be possible before the end of this month to obtain (i) continuous review of the services being offered by the Ministry; (ii) customer expectations and national development objectives; (iii) implementation of core functions, well defined policy priorities; and (iv) utilization of resources efficiently. The foregoing would feed into the Ministry's realization of its mandate, core objectives, and contributions to the achievement of the national aspirations stipulated in the V2030.
As concerns the Kenya BPOCC Society, we do have a Strategic Plan which our members are privy to. Additionally we have launched a Standards & Ethics Guideline which we hope to interact with relevant GoK institutions e.g. Kenya Bureau of Standards, CCK, KICTB to advance it to a regulations or even Act stage so as to make it more binding. We also have a Training Framework in place which is yet to be launched. This paragraph may be modified/corrected by an Executive of the KBPOCCS.
Have a great week.
Kind regards,

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com> wrote:


Thanx for your insights - you seem to have re-surfaced with enhanced wisdom after some self-imposed silence ;-).

I am however unable to place my hands on the document from Ministry of Planning that u say details the BPO sector/strategy.  The one I could get @
http://www.communication.go.ke/media.asp?id=611 seems to be a shallow on BPO. Also you cite BPO studies you did for UNCTAD - Plse share the urls if possible.

In the same spirit, I seem to recall that a while back the Kenya BPO Society launched a - was it a BPO Policy or Strategy. Someone should give us the url to such a document. In addition, it would be nice to know to what extend this Policy/Strategy was (not?) adopted by the GoK.

Plse share your ideas since we have less than half-a-day to the close of this theme.



--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Catherine Adeya <elizaslider@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Catherine Adeya <elizaslider@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 1 of 10 :-BPO discussions, Policy Framework
> To: jwalu@yahoo.com
> Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 2:19 PM
> Muriuki,
> Your input is interesting and you touch on a number of
> areas that even go beyond policy. I think the key in a study
> like the one the UON has undertaken is that the selection of
> the countries may not be comprehensive mostly (I believe)
> due to funding constraints but they do give a solid basis to
> inform policy in Kenya. As I have noted on this forum
> before, there are a number of studies that have been
> undertaken (most are not in the public domain) and it is
> time we geared their findings in a common direction for
> Kenya's sake. Therefore, some of the studies you mention
> below (and maybe others may mention) would be useful
> especially if the findings/issues are collapsed into the
> relevant themes. However, your analysis is useful.
> Best,
> Nyaki
> From:
> muriuki mureithi <mureithi@summitstrategies.co.ke>
> To:
> elizaslider@yahoo.com
> Cc: KICTAnet
> ICT Policy Discussions
> <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Sent:
> Tuesday, June 2, 2009 12:11:57 PM
> Subject: Re:
> [kictanet] Day 1 of 10 :-BPO discussions, Policy Framework
> Thanks Tim for the context, it is now feasible to
> participate
> Walu you may want to revisit your structure of the
> discussions to ensure
> that your structure maps to the objectives of the
> study.  A very interesting
> topic - BPO marketing strategy is not in your discussion
> structure and is
> key to success of BPO. This   is one of the study
> objectives
> On the questions raised by the moderator and especially Q2
> - a more detailed
> document published by  ministry of planning - Kenya
> Vision 2030, A Globally
> Competitive and Prosperous Kenya published 2007  is
> very detailed on bpo. It
> gives a detailed background on bpo, the opportunities and a
> strategy to
> exploit  the opportunities. The Document further
> develop an approach , the
> target markets  and the strategy with timelines that
> can be  monitored. One
> would expect that operational details would be worked out
> by the KICTB
> which I
>  believe was the intent of  v2030
> On the broader aspect of the question, it is necessary for
> the country to
> have a specific   policy on BPO. A desk study we did
> last year for
> International trade centre of UNCTAD  - BPO/ITO
> activity in Sub Sahara
> Africa:Lessons from BPO/ITOs activity   in selected
> (13) English speaking
> countries in Africa  -    noted  the
> advantage  of a policy that is BPO
> specific . The need for a policy is in cognisance that
> a  wide array of
> multisectoral resources need to be deployed to ensure
> success of the sector.
> That policy helps to bring together and coordinate those
> resources and
> create synergy.    Nigeria for example developed
> and promulgated a BPO
> specific policy. The policy explicitly recognizes the
> opportunity presented
> by the   sector but also notes the challenge the
> sector faces to exploit
> the opportunity, defines the
>  role of the stakeholders and the contribution ,
> incentives to realize the benefits. It also sets out the
> time frame but most
> importantly the market strategy.
> In the policy development,  the strategy to
> exploit  is critical. It is
> inadequate to stress the huge size of the market and
> focus of that
> market(off-shoring)   without addressing our capacity
> to exploit the market
> considering the  global competition. We can learn from
> some of the
> successful competitors like South Africa who built
> offshoring bpo on the
> back  of inshoring . likewise, Nigeria policy strategy
> is based on local
> outsourcing first. Clearly, It is much cheaper to build
> local outsourcing
> capacity and then use this capacity  and skill base to
> exploit offshoring
> In developing such a policy we should not lose sight of the
> fact  that bpo
> is not an end in itself but a means to fully exploit the
> immense
>  benefits of
> ICTs
> Cheers
> MM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Prof Waema [mailto:waema@uonbi.ac.ke]
> Sent: 02 June 2009 10:56
> To: mureithi@summitstrategies.co.ke
> Cc: 'KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions'
> Subject: RE: [kictanet] Day 1 of 10 :-BPO discussions,
> Policy Framework
> Hi Muriuki,
> Thank you for the comments. There is no complete report at
> the moment but it
> is under preparation. The idea is to share the results so
> far and discuss
> salient issues before we have a stakeholders workshop later
> on this month.
> However, find below some background info:
> The overall aim of the project was “to undertake
> comprehensive research in
> the business process outsourcing (BPO) sub-sector in
> pioneer, emerging and
> mature
>  markets to provide evidence and a deeper understanding of
> the
> imperatives for success in this industry to better inform
> Kenya’s policy
> decisions and investment choices”. The specific
> objectives were:
> ??    To provide empirical evidence and
> recommendations to inform the
> development of BPO legislation, policy and strategy
> ??    To identify the critical success
> factors that underlie the BPO
> industry in developing countries (in pioneer, emerging and
> mature markets)
> ??    To examine and provide comprehensive
> case studies of eight countries
> representing pioneer, emerging and mature BPO markets
> ??    To analyse the business
> environment/culture in Kenya in order to
> identify a unique BPO marketing strategy.
> ??    To provide a deeper understanding of
> youth employment and gender
> issues within the BPO sector in pioneer, emerging and
> mature
>  markets
> ??    To increase the level of awareness
> and input among key stakeholders
> through interactive dialogue on key BPO issues within the
> Kenyan context
> ??    To contribute to knowledge in this
> emerging sector through
> publication and dissemination.
> The project was carried out using the case study method and
> involved desk
> research on the Internet and in libraries, review of
> existing documents, key
> informant interviews and structured questionnaires. The
> case study involved
> BPO firms and relevant national institutions in six
> countries classified as
> follows:
> ??    BPO clients: U.S.A. and U.K.
> ??    Pioneer BPO services: Kenya
> ??    Emerging BPO services: South Africa
> ??    Mature BPO Services: India and
> Mauritius
> The project is funded by IDRC and the University of
> Nairobi. It was carried
> out by the
>  University of Nairobi in collaboration with the Ministry
> of
> Information and Communications, the Kenya BPO and Contact
> Centre Society,
> the Kenya ICT Board and KICTANET.
> I am sure you can commend on the policy framework without a
> full report.
> Regards
> Tim Waema
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kictanet-bounces+waema=uonbi.ac.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke
> [mailto:kictanet-bounces+waema=uonbi.ac.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke]
> On Behalf
> Of muriuki mureithi
> Sent: 02 June 2009 08:47 AM
> To: waema@uonbi.ac.ke
> Cc: 'KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions'
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 1 of 10 :-BPO discussions,
> Policy Framework
> Hi Walu
> Thanks for madaraka day gift - a bpo.
> To provide a context of the discussion, could we access
> the  full report.
> This will help us to understand some aspects for example
> the  TOR/objective
> for the study, how the three economies were selected and
> the time frame of
> the study among other issues.
> There are some other economies that have promulgated some
> BPO specific
> policies and innovative approach to BPO development. A
> deeper insight on the
> context will help us  to see how to introduce such
> thoughts in the
> discussions
> Cheers
> muriuki mureithi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kictanet-bounces+mureithi=summitstrategies.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke
> [mailto:kictanet-bounces+mureithi=summitstrategies.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.k
> e] On Behalf Of Walubengo J
> Sent: 02 June 2009 08:14
> To: mureithi@summitstrategies.co.ke
> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
> Subject: [kictanet] Day 1 of 10 :-BPO discussions, Policy
> Framework
> Morning all,
> I trust you have had a well-deserved, long weekend. Today
> we kick-off the
> BPO discussion by focusing on the BPO Policy
> environment.  Indeed Policy
> informs both the Legal, Regulatory and Insititutional
> frameworks such that
> if we get things wrong at the Policy level, then naturally,
> the rest of the
> frameworks will not fly.
> The BPO Research (synthesis attached) established very
> comprehensive Policy
> frameworks in the selected countries of study - S.Africa,
> Mauritius and
> India.  When
>  compared to the Kenyan situation, the Researchers found
> that at
> a National level, BPO is simply listed as one of the six
> KEY sectors of the
> Economic Pillar within Vision2030.  They also found
> that the National ICT
> Policy (2006) does not explicitly mention BPO - even though
> some of the
> objectives may implicitly relate to BPO.
> Which brings us to the specific questions for discussion:
> Q1: Should we at a National level be placing emphasise on
> an "ICT Sector" or
> on a "BPO Sector"? which of the two should be a
> subset of the  other?
> Q2: Beyond the BPO policy statements in our V2030 document,
> dont we need to
> do more by creating clear and monitorable plans/targets for
> the BPO sector -
> BPO Strategic Framework? How should this be done?
> We have only today for your views on this since tmrw we
> move into the Legal
> and Regulatory frameworks.
> walu.
> Encl: BPO Research Synthesis1:-Policy, Legal, Regulatory
>  Frameworks
> ----e-Discussion Program outline-----
> 1.The policy, legal and institutional frameworks for BPO
> sector (2days, Walu
> moderating)
> 2.Subsidies accorded to BPO sector (2days, Walu
> moderating)
> 3.Human capacity issues (2days, Walu moderating)
> 4.Youth and gender issues (2days, Dr. C. Adeya moderating)
> 5.Strengths and challenges for Kenya as a BPO destination
> (2days, Dr. C.
> Adeya moderating
> -----------------------------------------
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