Tween4 r4g On 14 Apr 2016 01:42, "Michael Pedersen via kictanet" <> wrote:
Hi Kariba & List,
Personally I am a fan of .ke domains - that said there are room for improvement:
1. DNSSEC rolled out yet ?
2. Frequent Kenic outages - April 2015 still fresh in memory, and erodes confidence in technical capacity.
3. "Political stability" around the board of Kenic seems lacking.
.. Mike
On 4/14/16 1:15 AM, DRAKE (Domain Registrars Association of Kenya) via kictanet wrote:
Thanks Waudo, To your question. How do I see .ke being impacted by the new gTLDs? The answer is purely on value. Right now the user is key because there's variety. We asked a while back. Why does the Kenyan developer prefer .com .tech .consultant .insertnewTLD over .KE Here are some responses and how we've dealt with them 1. Price - Implemented RRP at 1,000 bob which all DRAKE members have implemented 2. Purchase procedure - Automation deployed. Current/ New registrars benefit from support by the DRAKE technical team that assists at KENIC should the need arise 3. Security - your .KE will NOT be taken down! (Terms and XXX apply). And yes before you quote I wish to say that was purely a registrar issue and we resolved the same. Actually as a .KE owner if you don't have dashboard access to your domain do let us know. 4. Market - #weareke campaign which launched in 2015 goes bigger and better this year. Focussing on Awareness, Demystification and conversion.
A product is only as good as its need and we hope that all this steps will boost the tech communities trust in their own brand and will help us build it. We've ridden on a nationalistic approach and that's gotten us to 56,000. We hope based on continuous value addition we'll get to 1,000,000 1,000,000 means: - 10,000 Jobs - GDP relevance - Bottom tier empowerment
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