On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Joseph Manthi <jmanthi@gmail.com> wrote:
Just to clarify. All education funding for student scholarship is a federal funding including all activities in private colleges.

That is not at all the case.  While many loans and scholarships schemes are made available by the USG, it is nowehre near 100%.
I am not sure about facebook but google and netscape were funded with Federal govt funds

Can you supply some facts to back this up?  If both Google and FB, which are worth Billions of USD were developed using USG funds, don't you think we would have heard that the USG is claiming an ownership stake?  There would be well publicized lawsuits at a minimum!

and the law governing such things are very clear. Anywork undertaken in the universities in the US and patents issued, those patent are owned by the university, the source of the grant (in this case the fed) and the scientist,

I've never heard any indications that either Google or FB were developed with US grant monies.

But without belaboring the point,  I would like to clarify the following, if it was not for the US fed government you and I and our good friend Robert would not be besieching Dr Ndemo to use the power vested in him and solve the apparent problem of local hosting

I will agree with you there!

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