Hi Listers Sorry I had sent the wrong video link https://youtu.be/tQmUsdVdWSU You can also access the course details HERE <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qYWtT6vnAKQ9ARrUxcYqP3__VzoFG0q/view?usp=sharing> in case it does not show on your device. Kind regards, *Richard Otolo* *IT Security Manager* *@iLabAfrica* *Email*: rotolo@strathmore.edu *Office Tel: *+254 (0) 703 034661 *Ext:* 2661 | *Cell*: (Work) +254 (0) 731 269 789 *Cell*: (Home) +254 (0) 723 385 705 * Skype: *richard.otolo www.strathmore.edu, www.ilabafrica.ac.ke <https://twitter.com/iLabAfrica> <https://www.facebook.com/iLabAfricaStrathmore/?fref=ts> <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeo0kj1SRiVkje78cyxnAzQ> <https://plus.google.com/110890271788869052448/posts> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/2596334?trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Acompany%2CclickedEntityId%3A2596334%2Cidx%3A2-1-2%2CtarId%3A1465459099320%2Ctas%3AILABAFRICA> <https://www.instagram.com/ilabafrica/?hl=en> On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 2:21 PM Richard Otolo <rotolo@strathmore.edu> wrote:
Dear Listers,
With the increasing spate of malware attacks, we have come up with the below initiative.
Malware (malicious software) is mainly developed and operated by cyber criminals. Malware attacks are increasing in both frequency and sophistication, thus posing a serious threat to essential services and infrastructure on our continent.
To help address this issue, @iLabAfrica IT Security Center is running an introductory course on malware analysis that will provide an understanding of malware, how malware it works, how it has shaped the global cyber security landscape, and the technical skills required to analyze a malware sample.
Participants will also learn basic techniques to uncover malware features to support the procedures in a forensic investigation process.
Please refer to the poster below for more details.
We also did a free webinar to set the stage for the course. It is available here https://youtu.be/tc-4X1etFiY
[image: image.png]
Kind regards,
*Richard Otolo* *IT Security Manager* *@iLabAfrica* *Email*: rotolo@strathmore.edu *Office Tel: *+254 (0) 703 034661 *Ext:* 2661 | *Cell*: (Work) +254 (0) 731 269 789 *Cell*: (Home) +254 (0) 723 385 705 * Skype: *richard.otolo www.strathmore.edu, www.ilabafrica.ac.ke
<https://twitter.com/iLabAfrica> <https://www.facebook.com/iLabAfricaStrathmore/?fref=ts> <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeo0kj1SRiVkje78cyxnAzQ> <https://plus.google.com/110890271788869052448/posts> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/2596334?trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Acompany%2CclickedEntityId%3A2596334%2Cidx%3A2-1-2%2CtarId%3A1465459099320%2Ctas%3AILABAFRICA> <https://www.instagram.com/ilabafrica/?hl=en>
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