UNESCO is pleased to share with you the latest guidelines on Open Data. It can now be accessed on UNESDOC.  The  aim  of  these  guidelines  is  to  apprise  Member  States  of  the  value  of  open data,  and  to  outline  how  data  are  curated  and  opened.  These  guidelines  specify concrete  steps  that  Member  States  can  take  to  open  their  data  in  three  phases  - Prepare, Open, Follow-up.


If you are interested in piloting the use of the guidelines in countries, please contact Bhanu Neupane (b.neupane@unesco.org)



Lydia Gachungi


Regional Adviser on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists


Addis Ababa Liaison Office to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa/

National Office for Ethiopia.

Niger Building, 1st Floor (ECA Compound)

PO Box 1177 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Office Tel: +251 115443786

Mobile No: +251 945505333/ + 254722803724



@LGachungi  / @UNESCO_Addis