Happy new listers,
Thanks and good job Walu.
Best, Muthoni
Finally,Below is the link to the consolidated comments. Tried to further group them by short & immediate/long term.Feel free to make final editions/changes before end of day Friday 8th Jan 2015 (then we close the comments and move to the next stage/submit).-walu
From: Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com>
To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2016 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: #First100Days #ICTWishList-Preparing the Consolidated Feedback
Jambo,Hpe everyone successfully 'vukaad' into the new year.Am thinking about the valuable feedback you all gave in (about 40 email posts and 13 googledoc posts).I intend to do it in three steps.1. For transparency Lump everyones raw email posts onto the google doc post @2. Do some analysis/categorization of the same as borrowed from the National ICT Masterplan (2013-2017)Policy& Legal issuesRegulatory IssuesHuman Capital/Workforce IssueICT Infrastructure IssuesICT Information Infrastructure Issues.3. Allow final comment on the consolidated/analysed documentShould be done before close of business on Wed 6th Jan 2015 and then we arrange for the cocktail event.I invite any improvements on the above proposed framework.walu.
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