Ofwona Adera
Senior Program Specialist
ICT4D Program and Climate Change & Water Program
Development Research Centre | Centre de recherches pour le développement international
Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa
Tel: +254202713160 | Fax/Téléc: +254202711063 | Skype: edithadera
eadera@idrc.or.ke | www.idrc.ca | www.crdi.ca
Kind regards,
Muchiri Nyaggah Director @muchiri +254 722 506400 Semacraft.com
The problem is not having a framework. Watch Social Network, how Zuckerberg created facebook. On his own, he could not have gone far. We need to work in teams providing different capabilities and simply be honest to one another. We cannot succeed if our consideration for capabilities is where you come from. We mus subordinate our individual interest and pride for the greater benefits that change society.
Sent from my BlackBerry®
-----Original Message-----
From: Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack@gmail.com>
Sender: kictanet-bounces+bitange=jambo.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 17:53:16
To: <bitange@jambo.co.ke>
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Subject: {Disarmed} Re: [kictanet] Standing on the shoulders of giants
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