This might be of interest to those keen on this round of new gTLDs.
ICANN has put in place mechanisms to assist needy applicants.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Applicant Support Program - Outreach Support Request
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:02:24 -0800
From: Glen de Saint Géry <>
To: <>



Dear All,


On behalf of Dennis Chang the program manager for the New gTLD Applicant Support Program (ASP) please share these attached materials about the Applicant Support Program Outreach efforts with your communities.


The goals are:


1.       Let the world know that the possibility of financial assistance is available for qualifying new gtld applicants.  See fact sheet about the program attached;

2.       Recruit volunteers for the Support Application Review Panel (SARP). See SARP Expressions of Interest Request attached.


I am also attaching the Applicant Support Overview presentation, which may be helpful.


All of these attached documents can be found on the ICANN Website for your future reference.



Thank you in advance for your assistance in our outreach efforts.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any clarification on the ASP program.


Kind regards,


Dennis Chang

New gTLD Applicant Support Program Manager


Skype: dennisschang