This is a picture of the average stalls in Gikomba, I visited 3 speciality workshops before the backboard was finally completed, each stall measures no more than 3 x 5 meters. The
picture above is of a stall with a wood planner, circular saw and router. Each of the stalls usually accommodates a number of independent contractors with the usual broker offering the logistics and coordination function
As the demand for space increases the stalls have now been extended to two levels and a few new constructions have risen to 3 and 4 storeys.
The two locations apply all the rules of Just I Time and as an engineer you will appreciate the clustering of various activities in the form of a conveyor belt system.
To me what I visualised was the Airbus manufacturing model where components are assembled in disparate locations.
as be weary of picking a foreign model on industrialisation without localising it and taking into account the fact that Kenya is a different country and 2013 is not 1967 so the Asian Tiger models or the MIT models will fail here, we must incorporate our local peculiarities if we are to succeed.