Good morning Listers,

I think that data protection should apply for citizens/residents whether dead or alive. Affected parties(family, business partners etc) have reason to seek justice should this information be made public or disclosed to unintended parties without their consent; and more-so if disclosure implicates them. However, the type of data for retention for xx period of time should be discussed to ensure relevance. For instance the telephone numbers, social media details or physical address may be of little relevance over time. 


Martha Muriuki.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 11:58 PM Grace Bomu via kictanet <> wrote:
As we continue to discuss the data protection bill, an issue that has come up and is not captured in the proposed laws is the issue of legacy.
For example, a viral clipping in social media has a newspaper report stating that a woman who was recently murdered was HIV positive. Normally, HIV status is sensitive personal information that would not be disclosed.
Which begs the question, what should happen to personal data on the death of a person? Should we treat data as property that is transferred during succession or should anyone with a legitimate interest be able to access it? Should data processors/controllers have to delete such data?

Is this something that should be addressed in the proposed law or should we wait for judicial interpretation?

Grace Mutung'u
Skype: gracebomu
PGP ID : 0x33A3450F

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