Dear Mr.President and Deputy President


As you embark on your journey to transform Kenya into a Digital Country here are a few suggestions, humby submitted:-


1. The idea of giving every child a laptop is a good one but it must be followed by real efforts to encourage and incubate local content otherwise we will loose control of what our children read.


2. We have made great efforts in improving ICT infrastructure but alot still needs to be done. Some great initiatives have already been started. They need your personal attention:-


    a. KENET - Kenya Education Network (KENET) is a National Research and Education Network that promotes the use of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Research in Higher Education Institutions in Kenya. KENET is already rolling out high speed internet in Universities. This needs to be expanded to all institutions of learning. It is a shame for example that schools in informal settlements do not have either computers or internet access in Nairobi. I shudder to think what happens when we move beyond Nairobi.

    b. The Universal Access Fund - The Kenya Communications (Amendment) Act, 2009, provides for the establishment of a Universal Service Fund (USF), administered and managed by CCK. The purpose of the Fund is to support widespread access to ICT services, promote capacity building and innovations in ICT services in the country.  Sources of Funds come from Licensees, appropriations form Government as well as grants and donations. The USF act of 2009 has been just Act until recently when the Board was constituted. I humbly ask that this be in your To Do List for the forseeable future.

    c. Husband the formation of the new Independent Communications Commission of Kenya (ICCK) which will replace the current CCK. This is in line with the new constitution and will go a long way in adding much needed gravitas in the regulation of this important sector (Which I daresay your campaign ably borrowed from during the electioneering period with the word 'Digital'). This new look ICCK will have seven commissioners selected through competitive interview process by the Public Service Commission and the names forwarded to the President for final approval. Each of the Commissioners will have specific roles like compliance, spectrum among other roles.

     d. Enhance the Ministry of Information and ensure that the Technocrats leading it are steeped in the industry, have a track record and able to navigate and steer the country to truly be the Silicon Savannah of Africa.


3. Without a strong educational infrastructure and a culture of learning all the above will be for nought. I humby request that we relook closely the current practice of turning all Polytechnics into Universities. There is a place for all in the educational space. We need academics, enterpreneurs, professional managers and artisans for us to move this great nation of ours towards Vision 2030. We must ensure that the whole educational ecosystem serves all these different needs.


4. We must inculcate and encourage a research oriented Higher Education (Universities) system deeply entrenched in social needs, business, health etc. Universities should not be set up as profit centres but centres of excellence where we go to draw from to feed our various needs. Businesses should be encouraged to partner with Universities to bring out the best talent and ideas for our country.


I am sure that there are other issues to be dealt with but I humbly submit that this would be a good starting point.



Ali Hussein

CEO, 3mice interactive media ltd

Partner, Telemedia Africa Ltd


Tel: +254713601113

Twitter: @AliHKassim

Skype: abu-jomo

