I once watched the following: Traffic was flowing around the GPO Round About. Two traffic cops had in two vehicles came by, and each stopped the lanes to cut across the roundabout, in disregard of the lights. They then immediately left, leaving a semi grid-lock on the same. 

Meanwhile, traffic lights suffer from a problem cops like ignoring. There's much more traffic coming from Mombasa Road, Langata Road, Bunyala Road (South B) than from Ngong Road into town in the mornings. Traffic lights and cop ignore this situation, and treat all junctions with equal priority, or favor out of town traffic in the morning. 

This will see traffic on Mombasa Road starting at Haile Selassie - Uhuru Highway roundabout all the way to Parkside Towers (Airtel). Traffic on Ngong Toad will meanwhile be up to the Railways headquarters. 

Also, there's the issue where a series of lights in a series of roundabouts will not be in sync. So you basically move in bits down Kenyatta Avenue from one junction to the next. The lights should operate such that all lights down the street turn green - allowing express movement up/down or across the street. 

Remember, traffic is caused when more vehicles get to a certain point than are leaving the same point per unit time. 

On 2 April 2013 11:42, Grace Mutung'u (Bomu) <nmutungu@gmail.com> wrote:
Interesting! The counties have to come up with, among other things, policy for citizen participation. I hope they employ ICT/ Internet.
Looking forward to counties with interactive leadership, counties publishing their list of assets and liabilities at almost no cost on the Internet, counties using ICT to improve markets for their local products....and yes, to less congestion in NCC!

2013/4/2 robert yawe <robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk>

I was hoping that now that we have a new dispensation that traffic flow on Uhuru Highway will have been handed back to the traffic lights unfortunately this is not the case and the police keep competing with the traffic lights.

Can we take this up as the first campaign by KICTANET to show that we are truly committed to seeing technology applied to improving the lives of Kenyans beginning with the long suffering drivers in the County of Nairobi?


Robert Yawe
KAY System Technologies Ltd
Phoenix House, 6th Floor
P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200

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Grace L.N. Mutung'u (Bomu)
Skype: gracebomu
Twitter: @Bomu

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The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.

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with Regards:
