well, the idea is noble, and much as it wont have any legal implications per-se, in that it will be inadmissible in court, it will help at least to be a general indicator and a more or less real time tool to collect statistics on corruption cases in our great nation. Its benefits cannot be directly measured. But you all can see the use in this. As for #overlapke, i usually use this hash tag to twitpic those who overlap. It might not help much, but i find it greatly reduces my road rage :) . If the overlap.co.ke developers can add this feature where twit pics can be displayed, eventually, though the timelines aren't definite, people will start noticing that there are chances that on overlaping, you can be caught on camera. And the advantage of this is, the photo can actually be used as evidence of a crime done. This am hoping as a techo-concious character, is the direction I pray my country can head to. -- i dislike capital letters +254 722 278 106