Hi, I continue with this issue of the ICT Board more because the other boards e.g. coffee board, pyrethrum board, sugar board and irrigation board have clear mandates that have been defined the same does not apply for the ICT Board. Why the special treatment yet we see next to no impact from their activities which seem disjointed and uncoordinated. I received the following link from a colleague on the creation on content as described by the ICT Board and reminds me of what he keeps reminding me that content is not a loaf of bread it is a lifestyle. http://www.ict.go.ke/index.php/entertainment/74-books/131--paris-red-hot-lon... So I ask again, what is the ICT Board? Regards Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696