I trust that you are well.
After having spread the idea of the DW Akademie youth pilot project during my visit in Nairobi, I hereby send you some more information.
Kindly ask 8 highly motivated young people from your organisation to apply by sending the motivation letter via email as well
as the audio message on WhatsApp, see more details in the information sheet attached.
The youth whom you ask to apply should have a keen interest in technology, climate and communication, be open to work together with journalists and willing to learn from each other. Only then will the project be a success.
Please note: This is not the invitation to a normal training; it will lead to a hackathon in January 2023 - an intensive weekend where teams create new concepts and/or products - it is a competition, and there will be an award ceremony for the best creations.
For the application, kindly forward the template and the information sheet attached to the candidates of your organisation.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I wish you a restful weekend.
Kind regards,