Hi, A while ago I raised the issue of why we in the technology industry need to become a strong constituency if we are to make a difference and go beyond rhetoric to action. That outburst was brought about by the fact that I was unable to participate in the elections for governor of the ICT Sector at KePSA because I had no supporting organisation as CSK had lapsed in its membership. As a result the late Evelyn Rono had to offer herself for re-election as the governor even though she had wanted to step down so as to concentrate on her activities at the board level of KePSA. Now as I write this, as a sector, we do not have independent representation on the board of KePSA, at the next election to replace Evelyn I and many other independent candidates will not be able to participate as we have no sponsoring organisation. The sector will likely be led by a partisan player from on of the large vendors in the industry thereby leaving us voiceless. After reading an article recently about the Pirate Party, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_Parties_International, I am re-energised and realise that we can make our presence felt if we have the will to do so as we have the technology to act differently from the traditional politician. I know it is possible as before the censors I participated in the tribeKenya initiative which consisted of less than 20 people yet we got the ministry of planning to change the form and include a category called Kenya for tribe and from the censors results 620,000 homesteads indicated their tribe as Kenya. Assuming each homestead has 5 members that give us a population of 3.1 Million which means we qualify as the 48th County and the 1st to go virtual, which this space. Back to us, do we have what it takes to stand and be counted as we make this great country better for ourselves and the future generations? Regards PS. Can CSK please run a recruitment campaign to raise its membership contributions so as to meet its obligations at KePSA. Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696