
For those who new Mr. Makane Faye, the Coodinator of the Africa Internet Governnance Forum, there will be a Virtual memorial later today whose details are contained in the email below.

Best Regards

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anriette Esterhuysen <>
Date: Mon, May 3, 2021 at 12:05 PM
Subject: [NRIs List] Paying tribute to Makane Faye
To: MAG-public <>, igfregionals <>, African School on Internet Governance Alumni list <>

Dear all

Please find, attached, the programme  of a virtual tribute to our colleague Makane Faye. It will take place tomorrow at 12 UTC.


The Global virtual event to pay tribute to Makane Faye

Date: 40th Day of the passing – Tuesday May 4th , 2021

Time: 12 UTC corresponding to 3PM Addis Ababa Time

Duration: 2 Hours

Participants: Open: by Zoom platform

Moderator: M. Nassirou Ba, President ECA Staff Union/President FUNSA

Platform: ZOOM LINK:

Interpretation: French / English

Anriette Esterhuysen -
Chair, United Nations Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group

Senior advisor global and regional internet governance
Association for Progressive Communications

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