Dear Colleagues,
The IGF 2020 Host Country, supported by the IGF Secretariat, will host a webinar dedicated to youth engagement in the IGF 2020 processes.
The Government of Poland cordially invites all NRIs to join this live interaction with the Government of Poland. The webinar will be hosted on 11
May at 14:00 PM UTC (see time
in your time zone]. Please do register through
this link to participate.
After you register, you will receive an email with an access link.
We would appreciate if you could share the below invitation with your respective networks.
Best regards,
Subject: SAVE THE DATE: Webinar on Youth Engagement in IGF 2020 | 11 May 2020 @ 14 PM UTC
Monday, 11 May 2020
Register HERE
to Participate
This year’s IGF processes will specifically focus on developing dedicated activities for youth. The webinar will be the first step toward learning more about the challenges and needs the youth
has regarding the Internet governance. We will gather to exchange ideas and inspire each other to become better.
Young people and those interested in youth engagement and capacity development are invited to join this open webinar. Together we will make the IGF 2020 a success!
Interact Live With
IGF 2020 Host Country – Government of Poland
IGF Secretariat
Organisations dealing with youth-related matters and young people from around the world
*This webinar will be recorded. It is expected that its total duration will be between 90 and 120 minutes.