There is an individual powerful enough at Nairobi County and at Kenya power who are standing in the way of an amicable solution.
Those two individuals need to be taken in a room of someone more powerful than both of them and ordered to find a civilized solution and stop behaving like children.
The internet is a matter of national security, or should be a matter of national security, whose punishment should be immediate dismissal from public service, if not a long jail term.
It is not complicated. If you want.
Gibson Maina
_______________________________________________Dear Listers,A critical situation unfolding in Nairobi that's causing widespread disruption: the ongoing dispute between Nairobi County and Kenya Power.
As you may have heard/ read, Nairobi County officials have taken the drastic step of cutting fiber optic cables from Kenya Power's utility poles. This action has resulted in significant internet service disruptions affecting businesses, schools, and homes across the capital.
The core of the issue stems from an unpaid electricity bill of approximately $23.1 million (KES 3 billion) owed by Nairobi County to Kenya Power. However, the county government argues that Kenya Power owes them an even larger sum in unpaid land rates, wayleave fees, and parking charges. This counter-claim has escalated tensions and led to a hostile standoff.The Communications Authority (CA) has condemned these actions, emphasising that ICT infrastructure falls under national government jurisdiction. As the CA stated, "Fibre optic networks are a cornerstone of Kenya’s digital economy. Any interference must follow legal and regulatory frameworks."
This situation is clearly unsustainable and is severely impacting the digital economy and daily lives of Nairobi residents.
We are eager to hear your thoughts on how this dispute can be resolved.
Kind Regards,+254 (0) 711 385 945 | +254 (0) 734 024 856
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