On 5 July 2010 08:32, Barrack Otieno
<otieno.barrack@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Listers,
Another year has gone by and it is time to review the deliberations that were made during last years discussions which was moderated by Walu and Mwende Njiraini. While reflecting on this it is important to note that the IGF process is not a decision making mechanism but a platform for multistakeholder dialogue, the idea is to bring together organisations and persons involved in Internet public policy formulation. It is this organisations and persons that make the decisions or implement the changes that are required in the public space. This notwithsatnding, the Kenya IGF has made immense contribution to the East African IGF which is by far one of the best regional initiatives globally and provides a benchmark for other Regional initiatives that are coming up in Africa and the Global IGF process. Last years report is attached to this thread and i would like to invite listers to skim through it an identify issues that might need to be revisited and or reviewed. In addition you may propose areas that need to be taken into consideration as we prepare for the face to face discussions at the end of this Month. Please note that discussions around this theme will take one day however you may continue with the thread even after we have moved to the next theme which will look at Infrastructure issues.
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