I might be wading into this probably raging waters rather late, but nonetheless….


The Optimist-Pessimist-Realist-Opportunist scenario model as alluded to earlier in our context is probably one of

the most skewed reference model to be in existence to date that is to account for the  tiny handful of oligarchs

who strut our landscape at the expense of the rest of the populace. This I call “oligarchic opportunism” not

“Capitalism, even with a human face”. Now it seems a race for time, for each one of us to get admitted into

the most “prestigious” club.


In fact creating level playing terms in this same context might never turn out to be a level playing field in that sense

of the word after all, but rather, an eskewed level playing field. When you place the elephant and the deer in the same

field to graze, guess who will send the other scampering..!  To guarantee and attain equal opportunities for all will

really take us a long time to achieve. We are simply are not anywhere near there yet.


So that it can possibly help this project move forward, I believe the big question here that needs and beg answer is

how do we safely and uncompromisingly navigate past and beyond heavily vested interests. This, as sure as is day

and night, will scuttle this project. The Ps has already alluded to this, regarding “heavenly” promises he’s getting.

As a PPP initiative, this is the single major threat we have in conducting a SWOT analysis on this project. Let’s

immunize it.


Some things are never really that plain to the eye.. And please, let us dream and dream wisely..!





From: kictanet-bounces+harry=comtelsys.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke [mailto:kictanet-bounces+harry=comtelsys.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke] On Behalf Of Dennis Kioko
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 2:22 PM
To: harry@comtelsys.co.ke
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Weird Things ...Konza City?


I too don't find Yawe opposing the project, In fact, I see him more as pre empting several scenarios taht may not be anticipated, and thus, his suggestions can be used to prevent them from occurring.