For the 2007 elections, Bwana Ndemo is on record here (KICTANET) condemning the role of the media in fueling the violence.
In 2013, the media played a different role. If you now reflect back – deep and hard – it occurred to me
that the over-rated, over-hyped, over-done "call for peace" was actually a "tool of oppression"!!
Why do I say this? Many a Kenyans found themselves speechless and voiceless….you were not given a chance to speak your mind, to question, to freely air your opinions or liberally reflect on the going ons. You were promptly
slapped with the "peace call” which immediately silenced you! Why should I feel silenced by “a call for peace”? Our national anthem talks of “peace and liberty”, what happened to “liberty” during this period?
Most Kenyans locked themselves in their houses, scared stiff of the unknown. Reflecting back it was truly a "silence tool".
In my view, what is going on in Kenya is God’s birth of a NEW KENYA. It is NOT (and I repeat NOT) about THE WINNER or THE LOSERS (Do NOT get me wrong – I don’t mind about that). It is about laying a NEW FOUNDATION for
Kenya that is built on TRUTH (RIGHTEOUSNESS) and JUSTICE, especially during this Jubilee period (50 years of our existence as a nation as we enter into the next 50 years – the next Jubilee).
From now on, and as our national anthem aptly states, JUSTICE will truly be our SHIELD and DEFENDER.
Sustainable peace (not FALSE PEACE) is built on the foundations of TRUTH (righteousness) and JUSTICE.
Reflective Edith
Quote: I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice (Albert Camus)