Dear Listers, Thank you for your responses to the call for topics in line with this year’s Kenya IGF theme,* Tech for Human Development: Policy, Innovation, and Inclusive Governance. *The Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) has received submissions across four key subthemes reflecting Kenya’s unique context, along with additional suggestions: 1. Championing Home-Grown Tech Solutions for Societal Impact 2. Creating a Thriving Ecosystem for AI and Emerging Technologies 3. Bridging Digital Access Gaps: Ensuring No One Is Left Behind 4. Harmonizing Tech Policies for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth This is a reminder that the submission window closes on *Sunday, 2 March 2025*. We encourage all stakeholders to propose topics. You can submit your views using this* form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dq4TxdEsaKZ5I07TtNvO3OVcfIsaPvAqMVK_VdevLHE/edit>.* *-- Regards,Florence A. OumaKIGF MAGLinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/flo-ouma-profile/>*