
Not to mention that it is alleged that China has the equivalent of a Battalion for cyber warfare and espionage.

Lets hope that the new 'Digital Government' currently being sworn in recognises the need to safeguard our  'cyber territory'. 

Ali Hussein
CEO | 3mice interactive media Ltd
Principal | Telemedia Africa Ltd

+254 773/713 601113

"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait." - Russian Proverb

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On Apr 9, 2013, at 7:25 AM, Brian Munyao Longwe <> wrote:

...and this is the cyber workforce in the *air force*, other millitary units have their own detachments, and so do specialized agencies including the Department of Justice, State and Federal Police, Immigration etc...

In Kenya we have? Mmm, I think I can probably count on one hand :)

The article where I got this makes an interesting read, the scary part is that the US has 6 cyber-tools that have now been classified as weapons.

Best regards,

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