If there is a policy in place for the last 7 years, then the Ministry of Education and other relevant Government institutions, i.e. Ministry of Ed KICD/KIE should lead the project. In any case, the policy should not be narrowly focused to laptops and Class 1( 2014) even if it is for a start, as it is. The policy should at least address computer for all public primary schools, if not secondary schools, and should be long-term, even if implementation is to narrowed to Class 1 for a start. To be sustainable, the policy should broadly cover the computer for school inline with the government strategic plans. Its formulation should be consultative and participatory in nature, giving an opportunity to all the stakeholders to be on board. This will enable alignment of the policy implementation to
its formulation at least to benefit all school pupils, not a chosen few. For strategy to be sustainable, it should be about choices, not sacred cows or politically driven projects, which often end up to be white elephants resulting into sunk-costs.
Why Laptops? Why not Computer Labs? Computer labs for every primary school will provide opportunity for sharing from class 1 to class 8. It will be less costly and easier to implement, and feasible to upgrade when required, even if it is to be done in phases. Also the teachers will not be trained will to teach only class 1. Why train a few teachers to teach only class 1? This is pure waste of resources.
There was a time when the the government wanted to introduce mobile computer labs installed in vehicles, some kind of mobile buses in each constituency. The main argument was that the facility was to be shared by the schools within a constituency. This was being done without considering other challenges such as the nonexistence of or poor road network and nonavailability of electricity in rural areas. Luckily enough this project was abandoned before national resources were wasted. The baby was thrown out with water in basin. Laptops for each child without a classroom makes no senses particularly in rural areas where pupils are learning under trees and writing on the their laps or using dust on the ground as slates. The laptop idea is noble but the computer labs is a better choice, at least every school may have what can be called a classroom where there is none. A computer lab may be
used not only for computer lessons. Of courser the suppliers of the laptops, bet it the Huaweis, ZTEs and the Sonys etc. will definitely support the the idea as they will not only supply Laptops for Class 1 2014, but come 2015 and the subsequent years, there will be Class 1 every year as they continue with their supplies as Kenyans will be painfully paying as they laugh to the bank.
From: Thomas Kamire <tkamire@gmail.com>
To: volunga@yahoo.com
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Laptops for 2014 class 1 entrants - justified
I have a laptop from 2000 and children nothing. So there is nothing like obsolete. These 3 years story is for corporate work.
Thanks that is what I thinking have been industry for over 14.
Sent from my iKamire network.
I second the thoughts of Lakin in that there is very little explanation as to how any of this is to be done. If the KIE has been working on this for the past 7 years, why are they not leading the conversation? Why are politicians who are clueless the leading experts on this?
Basic figures and where the funding will come from not just saying govt will pay. Its rather hilarious that politicians and even senior officials talk about the government like it is a foreign body that they are not part of.
Who is the lead on the laptop project and by extension tech in the education sector? The ominous Ministry of Education?
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