Hi Walu, We are in interesting times, what happens to the squad fellows? They normally get a tenth of the fare for their touting. I wonder whether a feasibility study was done. The Matatu culture is too complicated , this system would work with a more organized Nyayo Bus or KBS kind of system. My 2 cents On 11/11/14, Walubengo J via kictanet <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
The President launched the cashless matatu payment system in style last week.
Boarding a matatu from State House to the City Centre, the President used the payment card “My1963” to pay his fare as the smiling Safaricom CEO, Bob Collymore, the Matatu Owners association Chairman, Simon Kimutai and the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure, Eng Michael Kamau all watched.
Read more @ http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/blogs/dot9/walubengo/-/2274560/2518070/-/10vedr...
--------------------------- Additionally, you can read a bare knuckle view from Cofek ** 7 reasons why Cofek will fight to stop the #My1963 PSV's cashless payment fraud
The National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA) plan to go cashless on fare payments effective December 1, 2014 though welcome cannot escape public scrutiny.
Clearly, majority commuters are not ready thanks to the very poor and less than transparent handling of the cashless fare payments for Public Service Vehicles (PSV’s).
If digital migration switch-off of analogue TV signal could go to the Supreme Court, then the architects behind the so-called #My1963 fraud must not celebrate just yet. Why?
READ more @ http://www.cofek.co.ke/index.php/14-news/872-7-reasons-why-cofek-will-fight-... -------- walu.
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