On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 16:40, Andrea Bohnstedt < andrea.bohnstedt@ratio-magazine.com> wrote:
Bit of afternoon googling.
There's this: http://www.e-government.go.ke/
It helpfully also has a link to the online tracking of IDs and passports - which doesn't work, as we have learned earlier.
In principle, it's set up to co-ordinate IT issues across government bodies, and has quite a comprehensive list of functions. Here:
*1. Update of e-Government Strategy* *2. Interactive Voice Response Service 3. Government Messaging and Collaborative System (EMACS)** * *4. ICT Support* *5. Primary Data Centre * *6. Enhancement of Ministries Website Portal* *7. Implementation of e-Applications*.** *8. Capacity Development on ICT*** *9. Development of Information Infrastructure *
And this is the institutional framework: An institutional framework and structure is in place to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the e-Government Strategy. At the apex is the cabinet Committee on ICT which oversees the implementation of the Strategy; the Permanent Secretaries ICT Committee which coordinates the implementation of the e-Government initiative; and e-Government Committees in the Ministries which reviews the various ICT projects in the Ministries, undertake audit of the IT capacity, establish support to the ministry’s policy mandate, identify gaps and inadequacies both technical and institutional and make appropriate recommendations on the way forward. The Directorate of e-Government coordinates and prepares the e-Government Strategy including the implementation plan and monitoring and evaluation of the process. The Government is committed to make e-Government a reality and to ensure that it provide better service to Kenyans.
Some folks, very comfortable in their cocoons, enjoying task-payers' money! I see no need for myriad committees duplicating each others roles. I see a situation where e-gov directorate comprises a bunch that sit and do nothing, waiting for X-committee to do XYZ. Remember those days of govt employees who'd come to the office and hang their coats on their seats then disappear no God-knows-where? That age is still very much here with us. If e-gov directorate was overseeing the others, I believe Dr. Rigia would not have had issues with a dysfunctional website/messaging system. It's very easy to put down what you (should) do on paper. It's a completely different ballgame doing it. That's how I see it -- in this case. Looking at their Organogram below: What is the purpose/role of the Ministerial ICT Committees? Isn't it just a stumbling block on the way to e-gov Directorate that creates an unnecessary supervision stage? Anyway, this is what we have. Perhaps what I need to ask is how we can improve it, and what role there is for an outsider to play, apart from give feedback. -- Best regards, Odhiambo WASHINGTON, Nairobi,KE +254733744121/+254722743223 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler. Please consider the environment before printing this email.