Agree Eric, important conversation indeed.And I see it asking the following questions: Who talks to regulators? What about and what do regulators do with what they have learnt in a policy regulatory sense.To use the Eric example, Re: Industrial oversight for Regulators - How do regulators subject their decision and engagements to major industry input using communication technology? and has this been effective from an industry point of view? The private sector has the most clear relationship with regulators, simply because their ongoing activities are a primary object of the assumption here would be that regulators then have a load of information, services and applications to facilitate conducting of business in the country, is this the case?What about consumers?alice thereEric Osiakwan wrote:Dear Walu,This is an important conversation you are getting underway and i would like to robe in two fundamentals that are essential for the emerging regulatory regime;1. Regulation is facilitation and must benefit local industry - It is important for our regulators to see themseles as facilitors of the industry in the interest of the consumer (even in the presence of a consumer parliament...:-) and work towards helping the local industry to grow and innovate. The cash cow for the local operators in "license" or landing right etc. Recently i was talking to a substantive regulator and he told me the most shocking thing, he said he is going to give all the licenses to indigenous local operates so they use it as cash cow to trade with those carrying FDIs. Now thats a strategic mindframe that gives weight to the local folks and i was excited this is coming from a regulator....2. Industrial oversight for Regulators - Because of the growing mindset and rapid adaptation of technology, the regualtory system worldwide is changing and it is becoming clear that effective and efficient regualtors actually have oversight from industry. In order words they must subject their decision and enagements to major industry input so that it is consistent with technological evolution which makes them facilitators of growth and economic development, not the opposite. So am advocating more for "self regulation" and less inteference in business process and innovation. Please note that self regulation does not mean "no regulation"......Eric hereOn 9 Oct 2007, at 08:47, John Walubengo wrote:In think we can kick off the discussion by first reviewingthe roles of three selected Info & CommunicationsRegulators(Kenya, Tanzania & Malaysia).The idea is to gain an understanding of the role of theConverged Regulator and then extend that into tomorrowsQuestion :- How can the Internet assist Regulators inexecuting these roles or achieving their objectives?Probably at the end of this task, we should highlight fivekey functions or roles the Converged Regulators should beplaying and then use them as the reference points forbuilding appropriate and corresponding eCommunicationstrategies.Feel free to point out any role that may not have beencovered in the three examples.walu.~~~~~samples roles below~~~~~1. From KenyaThe Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) wasestablished in February 1999 by the Kenya CommunicationsAct, 1998, to license and regulate telecommunications,radio communication and postal services in Kenya.The Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) plays acritical role in the liberalization of Kenya's postal andtelecommunication sectors. CCK is the Gateway thatencourages private investment in the sector and providesfor the rights and obligations of both operators andconsumers. The licensing of new players has given theconsumer greater choice.As the Link, CCK liaises with consumers, operators andservice providers to ensure a level playing field in thesector. CCK also assigns frequencies to all licensedtelecommunications operators as well as broadcastersutilizing wireless technologies in the provision of theirservices.CCK is the Watchdog of the consumer; making sure thatstandards of quality are maintained in both service andequipment provided. It ensures public service obligationsare carried out while, at the same time, guaranteeing theprotection of both consumer and investor interest.CCK is guided by policy goal to ensure that by 2015,telephone services are provided nationally under aUniversal Service Obligation scheme. This will result inservice penetration improving from the present 0.16 linesto 1 line per 100 people in the rural areas, and from 4lines to 20 lines per 100 people in the urban areas.In the area of postal services, CCK provides thecompetitive spur to realign prices, improve servicequality, and enable the postal operators to compete in anincreasingly global market and against new electronictechnologies.CCK is committed to ensuring there is quality choice in theinfo-communications through effective licensing andregulation.This responsibility translates to the following functions: Licensing (telecoms and postal/courier) operators Regulating tariffs for monopoly areas Establishing interconnection principles Type-approving communications equipment Managing the radio frequency spectrum Formulating telecommunication numbering schemes andassigning them to network operators; and Implementing Universal Service Obligation for both postaland telecommunication services.~~~~~~~~2. From the Tanzanian Regulatory AuthorityAbout TCRA The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA),established by the TCRA Act no. 12 of 2003 is anindependent Authority for the Postal, Broadcasting andElectronic communications industries in the United Republicof Tanzania. It merged the former Tanzania Communications Commission and the Tanzania Broadcasting Commission. Itsrole include licensing and regulating the Postal services,Broadcasting services and Electronic Communications sectorsin the United Republic of Tanzania.TCRA became operational on 1 st November, 2003 and haseffectively taken over the functions of the two defunctcommissions. Specifically the Authority is responsible forenhancing the welfare of Tanzanians through: Promotion of effective competition and economicefficiency; Protecting the interests of consumers; Promoting the availability of regulated services; Licensing and enforcing licence conditions ofbroadcasting, postal and Telecommunications operators Establishing standards for regulated goods and services Regulating rates and charges (tariffs); Managing the radio frequency spectrum; Monitoring the performance of the regulated sectors. <>3. From Malaysia..the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission isto implement and promote the Government's national policyobjectives for the communications and multimedia sector.The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission isalso charged with overseeing the new regulatory frameworkfor the converging industries of telecommunications,broadcasting and on-line activities.Economic regulation, which includes the promotion ofcompetition and prohibition of anti-competitive conduct, aswell as the development and enforcement of access codes andstandards. It also includes licensing, enforcement oflicense conditions for network and application providersand ensuring compliance to rules and performance/servicequality.Technical regulation, includes efficient frequency spectrumassignment, the development and enforcement of technicalcodes and standards, and the administration of numberingand electronic addressing.Consumer protection, which emphasises the empowerment ofconsumers while at the same time ensures adequateprotection measures in areas such as dispute resolution,affordability of services and service availability.Social regulation which includes the twin areas of contentdevelopment as well as content regulation; the latterincludes the prohibition of offensive content as well aspublic education on content-related issues.Ends.____________________________________________________________________________________Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 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