Stephen Welcome :) So how many members does COFEK have ? I was looking at the site and I think the Kshs10,000 for individuals is too steep ... of maybe COFEK si ya mwananchi Why is it this high ? Thanks On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Stephen Mutoro <> wrote:
*From:* Stephen Mutoro [] *Sent:* Monday, April 04, 2011 9:13 AM *To:* '' *Subject:* Introducong Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) on Kictanet: *Importance:* High *Sensitivity:* Confidential
Dear Alice & Others:
Greetings from Cofek and I. We are very grateful to have been invited on this forum. Clearly, we have a lot to learn from you as we offer our counter views and lessons. Please allow us to make our maiden submission here. Indeed, we must hasten to mention that at Cofek we are keen to discuss * issues* and not personalities. We hope this forum will live to this expectation. As a credible and umbrella federation of consumer organizations, we are equally realistic – we are well aware that sustainable consumer benefits are best reaped when the market is fair, just, competitive and predictably stable. Bottom line, we hope we can agree to disagree on certain matters without being personal!
From the foregoing, we are friends of all service providers. This is because without any of them, the consumer is in serious trouble. On telecommunications sector for instance, the Cofek Sector Unit responsible is a “friend” of all MSPs (Yu, Orange, Airtel and Safaricom and any other). We had the first meeting with MSPs on 25th January and hope to host another one before end of April. We will, therefore, be disappointed if the arguments posted on this forum appear to suggest that perhaps one or other MSP is better than the other without credible supporting evidence. Remember, they are all in business to make money. They wil apply different formula and strategy to this end. Cofek has no problem with their reasonable profits. Without regret, however, we are ever ready and willing to take drastic action, including seeking legal redress, should any of them go against Article 46 of the Constitution as well as Kenya Information and Communications Act (2009).
It is for this reason that Cofek’s first point of entry into the sector is with the quality and performance of regulatory regimes, in this case the CCK. We are interested to be assured that the CCK board of directors and management does not only comply with the law but is one that can be relied upon to deliver against world benchmarks. On occasions, we will be keen to discuss various issues – such as the tariff structure and promotions, innovations, consumer IEC, possibility of a 5th operator and why not?, MNP among others. In so doing, we work closely with media houses for instance Cofek will be on KTN Business Live discussing MNP at 2.00 pm today. In a nutshell, we are pleased to be on this forum and wish each of you a great week ahead!
Kind regards,
Stephen Mutoro
Secretary General, COFEK
* *
------Original Message------
From: alice@apc. org
ReplyTo: alice@apc. org
Subject: Kenya ICT Action Network.
Sent: 2 Apr 2011 1:55 PM
I read your opinion article featured on standard newspaper April 1st and welcome your views and analysis.
I would like to invite you to join a multi-stakeholder forum called KICTANet that discusses ICT policy and regulatory issues.
Thank you
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