Dear Dr. Ndemo, With all due respect, you appear to lose me here. The partial statement you qoute below comes from As regards, formal apology, please let me know if it is to be directed to:- (a) your person (individual), (b) your official capacity, (c) organizers of the just ended BPO discussion, (d) Kicktanet list owners and listers, (e) all the above or more than one of the above. The above is without prejudice and as the case(s) may be will be addressed accordingly. Finally, and if your permit, on appropriate forum we may debate the reasons monies are returned/recalled to Treasury year in year out. Is it by accident or design? 2009 its famine. 2008 it was IDPs. ......1999 it was drought....1991 it was land clashes. Is it by accident or design? Kind regards, David On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:40 AM, <> wrote:
David, You very clearly stated "in ICT there seems to be laxity" where 500 nillion is being returned to Treasury. The story very clearly states the reason why Treasury had to reallocate the budget.
The motives in your earlier post were not good because you are in a postion to know better and you should. I actually expect a formal apology.
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-----Original Message----- From: David Otwoma <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 08:49:42 To: <> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions<> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 12 of 12 -- BPO Discussions, Wrapping Up
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