Hey Robert,

We love hearing about how Udemy courses have changed people’s lives. And so - we wanted to share an email we recently received from Wesley Lorenzini.
Hey Udemy,

Wesley Lorenzini here. I’m responding to the email you guys sent about whether or not a Udemy course has changed my life.

It has!

(Sorry for the long email, but let me tell you my whole story)

I was bored at work - I was working the IT help Desk at IAC.

I knew I wanted to start my own company. And I had a great idea – a tool to help filmmaker’s collaborate easily.

But there was a problem.

I couldn’t code :(

(I’m sure many of your students have the same issue)

So - I found some tutorials on the web - they were okay, but they were scattered and unorganized.

However, I was able to learn enough code to build a working prototype of my idea. I called the company “The Diffuse.”

But long story short - the company didn’t work out. :(

As I reflected on my experience, I realized I wanted to focus in on mobile app development.

Again – there was a problem.

I didn’t know anything about mobile development.

And that’s when I found Udemy.

In fact, I had some issues finding the right course (I asked for a refund on the first course I signed up for).

But Kristina Bjoran issued me a refund and personally helped me find a course she knew I would love – Shawn Arney's iOS course.

And I loved it.

I enjoyed coming home everyday work and having Shawn patiently walk me through iOS development.

His tutorials were spot on (better than anything else I’d seen on the web).

And Shawn was always there, answering any questions I had.

Heck – it even got to the point that my girlfriend called Shawn my ‘boy-friend’ because each day she would hear him teach me iOS.

And when I finished Shawn’s Udemy course, things really took off!

I began an in-person iOS development course at the SAE institute in New York City to further my knowledge of iOS programming.

When I started, my instructor was blown away with my knowledge – knowledge I had gained from my Udemy course.

In fact, my instructor offered me the opportunity to work on a side project that his mobile app development company was working on - a project called “RadicalFlow.”

After I helped him with the project, he offered me a job as VP of Technology and Development at his company!

I’ve been working there since July, and I’m loving it!

I’m thankful that I found Shawn’s Udemy course - it was the resource I needed to begin my career in Mobile App Development.

My company is expanding into Android development.

And I’m looking forward to taking the Android course I’ve already purchased from Udemy.

I hope this long email helped give you an idea of how much I've been connected with Udemy.

All the best and thank you,


Thank you for reading Wesley’s story. We hope you enjoyed it.

We love hearing about the success of our students.

Will you be another Udemy Success Story?

To help you get started, we wanted to offer you a:

50% off coupon code for any Udemy Course*: GOFORIT
Here’s a link to our top career accelerating courses: *** click here ***
Here’s a link to Shawn’s course: *** click here ***
To your success,

P.S. That coupon code is only good for 48 hours (it expires at midnight on Sunday). So hurry!
*If you need them, click here for instructions about how to redeem your code.
*Click here for the eligible coures 

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